Unfortunately I have to give you the bad news that cargo shorts are actually back in style. My 16 year old son watches and imitates the Ballanciaga and Vetements runway shows and the cargo look is back in. Sorry!
Unfortunately I have to give you the bad news that cargo shorts are actually back in style. My 16 year old son watches and imitates the Ballanciaga and Vetements runway shows and the cargo look is back in. Sorry!
Kenny G.
“As someone who grew up in the religion—whose early beliefs, fears, and opinions were formed by it—I wonder at how anyone who doesn’t identify as a cisgender heterosexual could feel even remotely comfortable as a member of a group that despises them.”
Well if there’s one thing I’ve learned in life is that marriage is END of every story. LOL SO TRUE. There couldn’t possibly be anything to happen to them after they live happily ever after married forever and happily and wonderfully and THE END. What a great finale to look forward to.
But who would Faith Stowers’ ex be? The only person she dated on the show (allegedly) was Max Todd. That would be amazing though.
Hilarious! I am so happy you have written a follow up to the Lisa Vanderpump restaurant crawl, which I have sent to SO many of my pumprules fan friends. Did Lisa block you on twitter because of that article?
I loved when he called Raquel a sentient Lumee iphone case. HAAAAAAA! But seriously, Lauren B from the Bachelor this season makes Raquel look straight up wacky.
Can someone please tell me whether Sammi’s dress in this photo is made with masking tape? Was this photo from an actual episode?
I was reading FourFour, Rich Juzwiak’s awesome blog every fucking day in 2007.
I hate my father and pity my mother, but never got to take any womens’ studies classes at my Christian University. Guess it’s just called... coming of age?
I love this garbage show and I’m glad Jezebel covers it. Sometimes life is super hard and you need to eat candy, drink wine and watch garbage. And then you need to know all the gossip about it the next day.
This is Stockton’s brightest Star!