
Agreed, always expect to see PD and the people connected with it to receive Emmy nominations. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think it's received any. At a minimum, there should be nominations for Green and the overall program for best limited run series. The British award shows are probably more generous toward PD.

My sentiments exactly. Especially when new characters have been added this season, a bottle episode comes at the expense of stalling other story lines and character development. Ethan, for example, there is so much waiting to happen.

She may have evil inside her, but she does not use it to control, rule or destroy. It seems to only come out when she has to defend herself.

Now the audience has a better understanding of the warmth John Clare and Vaness shared while they were in the cholera dungeon. It would be interesting to go back and look at those scenes again, in light of what we now know has transpired. Anyone recall if, in those scenes, Ives thought she had any familiarity with

The show has barely scratched the surface of Camargo's Dracula. Knowing John Logan, there will be much more to reveal with Camargo and Sweet/Dracula.

When the exterior wears away, her inner beauty and emotional range are on display.

I also wondered if Vanessa actually killed the orderly and the sin of that act brought Lucifer to her. If she did kill him, then the audience would have the understanding of how that man died and became the monster. Interesting thought, the orderly left his job because he realized the clinic was torturing their

There are times I'm not thrilled with the episodes that concentrate on Green. But wait, do not get angered by what I will say. Being that there are so few episodes in a season, I sometimes feel the show can not afford an entire episode devoted to such specificity. Now flip that argument, and I'll say what we already

Want a really, really good show to sink your teeth into? Have you tried Penny Dreadful? Amazing acting, writing, everything.

Ten years earlier, a boy named Adam Warren was kidnapped from a rally held for his mother who was running for mayor of their Maine town. The boy was kept in an underground bunker for 10 years with another kidnapped boy. Over the years in the bunker, the boys became very familiar with each other's lives. The second

I came to the AV Club to read comments about last night's episode. I felt it was by far the best of the season. The reveal that the real Adam Warren is alive really threw me for a loop. Sadly, after coming onto this site, saw that the program had been canceled. What is going on with ABC? This is the second show I

I think the Hyde side is his true self. Recall his comments to Victor about how badly he was taunted when they were in school together and what he wanted to do to his tormentors? He said he learned how to remain calm, but perhaps what made him calm was his elixir, the real beast is what lies beneath.

Very astute of you to pick up on these points. Now that you bring them up, Dr. Jekyll was starting to become undone at a point. I was surprised to see him react that way. Seeing how his elixir affected the mental patient, before, during and after the elixir wore off, Dr. Jekyll very well might be using it himself to

Couldn't find anything on tv before bed last night and saw a re-run of PD was on. In the opening sequence, a re-cap of what led up to the third season, Vanessa's hand is on the witch's doll of her likeness. As she crushes the doll's face, she says "I know who I am". There's a theme here.

In the last episode of season 2, Sembene told Malcom to "know who you are". Last night, Katenay told him to "know what you are". What's the theme here for Malcolm?

So sorry, he is even shown in one of the season promos.

Brian Cox

How can you explain John Logan's style of writing for this program? There is a powerful, almost elegant style he chooses. There have been quite a number of times a character will say something and after the words are said, they have a profound effect on me. Remember the last episode of season 2, dear Sembene sternly

I had a similar reaction when, at the end of the episode, the faceless voice said, very slowly,"I am Dracula". A big smile appeared on my face. I just absolutely love this show and feel it is an absolute treat to sit back and watch these incredibly well crafted episodes unfold.

I think the writers are doing an extremely good job of showing the back stories of the characters. Each character is complex. Except for the Countess, you can be at times repulsed by some of them, yet feel for them at other times. One thing by about The Countess, her attire and accessories are magnificent.