
Two words I never thought I'd ever hear coming from your mouth.

I am quite proud to say that I am somewhat obsessed with this program. For a short time toward the beginning of summer, Sunday night becomes my favorite night of the week. The excitement of 10:00 pm is only matched by the sorrow of 11:00 pm. Now that we are approaching the end of the season, the joy of discovering

Each week, there are moments from episodes that are quite profound. A character will say a line or a phrase that will resonate with me. My typical reaction is where did Logan come up with these lines? This man is a genius. Remember "luxurious ugliness" from Lily's speech to Clair last week? These are nuggets from a

I don't want to think that Sembene dies. Is it possible that Ethan stops short of killing him? How would Sembene's death affect Ethan?

If people were annoyed by their plot line it was because it was out there all by itself.

Very interesting to have an episode without Ives and Chandler. I love these two characters, but it was nice to see that the others could stand on their own. There were so many interesting aspects of the episode, Sembene manhandling Sir Malcolm and commanding him to "know who you are", Lily revealing her true self and