
James is British. He doesn’t need medical coverage.

Charles doesn’t like science fiction unless it is of the guys/gals in tights variety. Even then he’s far more interested in the social justice aspect. He really is an extremely limited writer for a website like I09. Don’t expect any opinion at all from him on The Expanse, is what I’m saying

Jeez, how cheap can you get? Buy the DVDs.

I don’t think you know the meaning of ‘Dystopia’ do you? Deckard’s not meant to be a hero, he’s meant to be a counterpoint to the humanity of the replicants. Do you really not know that a character’s actions within the plot are not a simplistic mirror of the writer, or is kneejerk outrage just easier for you?

They did some good stuff but they’re overrated IMHO. Prefer Portishead.

Massive Attack, along with Tricky and Portishead basically invented Trip Hop back in the nineties. Since music is part of culture and Trip Hop was a dominant force in the latter part of the nineties and it’s influence can still be felt in many, many artist’s music, on both sides of the atlantic, I think the

Yeah, but our shitty bands are better than your shitty bands.

Apparently the festival was a shambles, still think Massive Attack acted like twats tho’.

They were in the UK, and everyone knows our music is better than yours.

The mother was Allison played by Susan Vidler. Shirley Henderson played Gail, Spud’s girlfriend, who wasn’t a drug user. So you can reassemble your brain.


Where are Felix and Sylvester at this point? In trying to keep up with everyone, I’ve totally forgotten where we saw them last. Felix could fix Maeve up in a few tics.

Wouldn’t a mega-corporation like Delos have the funds to hire their mercs/security from somewhere other than ‘Goons R Us’ or the local Airsoft team?

I think Aliens has aged poorly compared to the other movies, but it’s still probably the best sci-fi action movie ever.

The actual story is...Biehn refused the producers permission to use his likeness for a ‘dead Hicks’ prosthetic body, which is why Hicks is shown as decapitated. He did get a lot of dough to use his photo on a monitor screen showing the casualties tho...

You worked for Premiere Props? What an utter shit-show that company is...

What a load of Bollux....

Needs more rabbits.

None of the movies on this list are as good as 2049, but this is i09, go figure.

Except that the book/movie of GWATG were in development at the same time as The Last of Us..