
That's So JMS (tm)

She was just wonderful on that show. I miss her.

give me Anna Torv or give me death

An actual episode of Supernatural:

I shipped Rory/Paris before Mallory made it cool! But obviously, yes, I've read it/love it. :)

He tells her his marriage is over and that he loves her, and she interprets that as it's *really* over and he's already had the conversation. Rory isn't perfect in this situation, she absolutely should not have slept with him, she should have asked those hard questions … but also he let her be wrong, and the questions

Poor Lane. I'll take Rory/Jess as endgame if Lane at least gets to be divorced, happy, and a famous rockstar. Who has had enjoyable sex in her life.

Lindsay was ADORABLE and they would have been happy together if Dean hadn't been such an enormous cock. God, you're right, the pot roast scene is devastating.

I don't know where that's even from but it's perfect.

The true theme of Gilmore Girls: privilege does make you an inconsiderate jerk, and Lorelai lost Rory as soon as she got into Chilton.

Well, this is true. Once more, I present you: Paris Geller, always pushing Rory to be better! Really had an accurate assessment of all her talents! Believed in her! Would watch Joseph Campbell videos with her instead of stealing boats! Would never have let her quit Yale! Would probably craft her something really nice!

This thread is really making me pin down what I like about Logan: at least he was that in a *knowing* way. Like, yes, he was a shit, but he wasn't a shit who was convinced he was a tortured artist, oppressed by the world that just wants him to maybe graduate from high school.

Yes, I remember that! I think they were looking for an organic way to break them up so they brought in this class dynamic, which was potentially interesting, but frustratingly decided to make Dean an idiot at the same time. Which is unfortunate.

Only because it would be too hard to reach his face!!!

Wow, I still have a lot of feelings about the godawful second Dean relationship. I think I'm extra-mad because he really was a great first boyfriend.

Dean LIED TO RORY about CHEATING ON HIS WIFE TO SCREW RORY, who WAS A VIRGIN, WHICH HE KNEW. And then he spent all his time RESENTING HER EDUCATION and HAVING A SERIOUS INFERIORITY COMPLEX, which I empathise with but which is foul in a relationship.

this is harsh but possibly fair

and yet he's still less self-centred than Jess. Or maybe I just find him less intolerable than Jess because at least when he's being self-centred he's still usually funny.

I think Jess plays on those Byronic tortured artist stereotypes that everyone has a moment of weakness for from time to time, but he was repeatedly a dick to Rory, even when he was cleaning up his act towards Luke.

Rory/Paris forever, but if I've got to have a guy I'll take Logan over the other two. Far, far less sulky, whiny, and self-centred (which is really saying something, I admit!)