bird galaxy

Every time I see an article about him that isn't about his murder or castration or lifetime imprisonment, I'm seriously disappointed.

man, my mind is going to so many violent places with this information. :/ dangit

For real! In college, some people I knew did a parody shoot (fun & safe tho) and it took effort to get the photos to look as shitty!

or the pee splashes :/

this made me giggle because I do line my bird's cage with all the stuff my mom accidentally subscribed to.

He's a conure so still small but a lot of personality, intelligence, and speaks some Russian some English. If I was at my home computer, I'd have some great pics, sorry~

Their advertising is only a small part of a bigger issue. There's also company-wise encouragement of racist hiring practice, sexual abuse of underage models, and so on. I'm not going to dismiss things like that just because "oh hes doing good stuff too". Nope, not buying it.

Here I thought my parrot putting beak-holes into all my clothes was a problem, but he's not big enough to run off with socks! Also that is a really terrific photo.

whoa yikes!! :0 I've been sewing for well over a decade now and I still have bloody fingers on the regular! Embroidery doesn't help that.

You know what, I genuinely always try my best. My family grows a lot of food and I learned from my grandmother to sew my own clothes. My conscience is clean knowing I do everything I can :)

Aw thanks! Tangentially, I just got a tattoo of titanium quartz.

Before trying to talk down to me, read the rest of the thread. My problem isn't "ooh sparkly".

Ok can you really not see the difference between bodily autonomy and directly contributing to a system that ruins peoples lives. because no

Neat, thank you for taking the time to answer :)
I'm allergic to so much right now, my collection of jewelry has dropped down to a few raw crystals on leather cords. Had to part with a lot of interesting artistic pieces.

that sentence doesn't make any logical sense though

grossly excessive human greed is so cool huh!!!

What are your thoughts on the beauty of raw crystals or stuff like amber with bits of prehistoric bugs in it?

Thanks for saying it better. I tried and just turned into a troll magnet.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean its a good one.

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