Bird G

Don't forget the part where Dorne was Elia's home!

House Stark is doing better than Houses Baratheon, Tyrell, Martell, and Lannister in terms of surviving and being on the same side.

I think seeing people get mutilated (tongues cut out) triggered his PTSD.

Targs gonna Targ.

The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

No, I thought something similar. They had an understanding and one or both of them would have been dead if he had tried it.

They finally showed off some decent fighting skills.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Eh, the real Mary apparently still mourned him at death and occasionally believed James to be his son so it's actually close to historically accurate.

Just let Greer and her Pepper Prince be happy!

Visually stunning compared to what - Doctor Who?