Hey man thanks for giving us a platform, however brief, to bid farewell to this site.
Hey man thanks for giving us a platform, however brief, to bid farewell to this site.
I know it seems flippant for folks who put hundreds of hours in to give a thumbs down, but I would argue that it happens for a reason. Simply putting 100+ hours in, and therefore assuming the game must be good, is a sunken cost fallacy.
That line is fucking ominous.
If anyone wants to hit up ole’ Jimmy Spanny himself and ask him what the fuck is going on, here’s his number! 917-881-5965
Arguably it’s definitely more popular than The Wire, Larry Saunders and Curb.
God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
May I suggest a new Deadspin mascott, Sticky; The Stick-to-Sports Stick. Sticky lives in Jim Spanfeller’s butt.
I’m not a lawyer and I wasn’t trying to skirt libel laws. Let me be more direct... Jim Spanfeller is a daycare arsonist and murders the elderly for fun. And he takes pictures of his dog and posts them to Facebook with a minimum of seven hashtags.
“Well at least I’ll be able to read and comment on Drew’s stuff at GEN”
The framing on that tweet is kinda bullshit. I doubt they pulled the ad campaign over the posts, they pulled it because someone up the food chain at Farmers realized that Spanfeller’s Merry Bunch of 60 Year Old White FailDads sold them a load of goods and was using decade old horseshit scam tricks to meet numbers.
The WSJ article about this is an amazing read. Because a lot of times in situations like this, there is actually some legitimate business rationale for the thing that users hate. Like, I would have expected that article, especially in pro-business WSJ, to have people saying that the autoplay ads made business sense…
This is a silly stand you’re making. That isn’t how this network of blogs operates, and if you don’t want to read the cross posts, no one is forcing you.
Best wishes to all the Kotaku staffers just fired.
Because the exact vision of the creator is sacred. SACRED!!!!! It must not be changed at all.
I love you guys, but after today, I’m done with G/O Media.
We traded my fiance’s 2015 Dart GT in to the dealer. They gave us $7k for it, put it on the lot for $10k. That was July. Its still there, but now its down to $8k... is that $1000 worth having that POS sit in my yard for all those months?
David, I wish to register a complaint. You’ve filed this story to Politics, but this is erroneous, as this is clearly a Sports Story.
Well *I* didn’t even like Life in Hell.