
It is fascinating. I mean, we probably wouldn't think much of it had Missy not then rattled off how "that one had a family" and so on. It's tricky. And as I see it was discussed elsewhere, there sort of has to be this level of unbridled chaos with Missy in order for you to feel tension with her being around. I'm still

What's great is that they just DO IT. No cock-tease. No dumb, prolonged build up. He's just HERE. And Missy is just HERE.

Well, I think the show has kinda drifted away from just killing nameless dolts because "We have to give the monster-of-the-week something to do", but only as of now. It'll probably do that in two weeks in a new monster-of-the-week adventure.

I get you.

There is so much here to digest and expand from I can't help but sort of just not worry about things and trust that Moffat will wrap this insanity up in a nice little bow.
I have faith.

The Master/Missy is a character who needs to be played just right for the kookiness to work.

Yeah, that definitely got the biggest chuckle out of me.

How can I forget the goofiest (in a good way) line from BioShock Infinite?

Jeff: Abed. Is this a show? I thought you said you knew it wasn't a TV show.
Abed: Season Two you mean? I don't know. I can change my mind.
Jeff: Well can I ask that it not be a show about you saying it's a show? Because dumb.
Abed: You're dumb.
Jeff: Go in the back. Go in the back and sit by yourself.

I'm sick of it.


Oh. And Louis CK seems to be doing absolutely fine.

Oh dear God…

I really don't get it.
Political Correctedness is only challenging us to come up with better jokes.
I'm personally kind of sick of seeing comedians lazily drawing from the "Men do THIS while women do THIS" well.

The A story ending with Rick ruthlessly slaughtering his clones was such a delightful capper to that story.

I still come back for certain people and the general quality of this sites TV coverage, but the comment section kinda took a turn for the "constant references/puns" after the site began to seriously grow in popularity.

The AV Clu-

I can get that on your desk by early tomorrow morning.


Oh, fuck me.
I'm actually kinda angry at myself for forgetting the most obvious episode showdown that basically started this train of thought in the first place:

Oh boy!