

Mel Gibson wept


"How fast can you get us to the Mainframe Hardline?"

I have NEVER been one to be made uncomfortable by violence. (I love Tarentino)

Batfleck looks fucking miserable.

I don't really see the purpose of giving a half year round up of this year's movies/television/etc., but I will say I love the Mad Max segment if only for it giving me the idea of combining Keaton's The General with the Mad Max world.
On a train,

I adapted Portal into a stage play.

1. Inside Out
2. The Dark Knight (rewatch)
3. John Wick
4. Spy Kids (very strange rewatch)
5. Jurassic World

I put a certain amount of faith in Rocksteady to craft a narrative at least partially inspired after I dug the crap out of Asylum's basic-but-endlessly-creative tale and City's sheer lunacy.

I really hope it's Yahoo, now.
I know the streaming services kinda suck, but there's something blissfully cathartic in seeing a search engine/email service saving network television shows.

(Kinda related)
How does a female react to being kissed awake?
What if she's dreaming?

*I won an assortment of comic books in a costume contest at the midnight release for Arkham Knight.
*I have recently come into possession of a decent amount of alcohol for a party tomorrow evening.
*I recently had a break through of ideas for a sitcom I've been sort of developing as a hobby.


I guess I just like to (smugly) note how my favorite Pixar films seem almost inversely proportional to how marketable the concept is to sell as a toy line.
Oh I know there are toys for Wall-E, Up, and Ratatouille somewhere, but they don't even begin to reach the amount of Cars crap out in the world.
Although that's

The idea of selling (or even buying) a plush personification of sadness…
It's too good.

Inside Out is the most original idea Pixar has had since pairing the stout old guy with the stout Boy Scout in a balloon house.

I… wouldn't have it any other way.