
It's an adventure film. I dunno. Felt right in line with the other films for me.
The copious death count, cartoon violence, whimsical musical score, it felt very old fashioned sci fi/adventure. If anything, that's why I ultimately kinda liked Jurassic World.

Very good! Happy to add.
But where and when should I post such a review?

I would love to give "Advanced Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" a look.
I could also give "Basic Story/Basic Sandwich" an analysis as well.

TV is a great medium to adapt the books.
I… only wish I had a hand in adapting them.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a meticulously thought out plan, chunking certain books into seasons and giving each chunk heavy stylistic differences revolving around the general aesthetic of each book's setting.

I think I can accredit the series to my revelation as a child that a story didn't need a happy (or even abundantly conclusive) ending to be satisfying.

Yeah especially with the reveal of Ryu for Smash

What are you trying to do to me?

I just want Metroid.
That's all.
It's remarkable what little else I am interested in.

thank you so much!

what's up at e3?
I know I could just read up on it myself, but I can't seem to find the will to stray from this comment section. It's all the pop culture I want from random people I don't know!

For realssssies?!
I admit… I was expecting this to get panned.
It may not be much, but "second best" is good enough for me.

It's a solid season that really finds itself by the end.

Also do we still get notifications for things anymore?
Did Community break up with me?

Community has and always will be known as the needlessly indulgent post-post-modern sitcom.
If they want to make its inexplicable continuation part of the cruel, sick joke… I say bring it on!

Shut up, ArgieBargie. I met your son on Family Day. I know about your gambling problem.

"Is this a cult? Are you going to eat me?"

Seeya next season, Community!

The darkest, most surreal shot of the season for sure. I want to see how they shot the room of strangled Abeds.

I agree. There's a personal edge to every "flashfoward" that isn't based on any objective truth or accuracy. Hence Chang's pitches might have been my favorite. (Britta is a close second, though).

The end of that episode gives motives/evidence potentially incriminating multiple characters.
For Annie, it is suggested she could've have been causing several ass crack incidents in order to have an excuse to pal around with Jeff (it's also possible Jeff could have been the Bandit for the same reason).