I’m rooting for Aja, Shea, and Charlie based on looks. Although Aja seems like a hot mess... Hopefully some good TV though.
I’m rooting for Aja, Shea, and Charlie based on looks. Although Aja seems like a hot mess... Hopefully some good TV though.
The fucking best.
I loved Alaska SO MUCH during her season and I don’t want to take anything away from Jinkx or not acknowledge how amazing Alaska was in AS2, buuuut.... I dunno. I hate that Katya didn’t win too. (And I feel like Detox was totally worthy too.)
Rinna is awful... But she at least moves stories along.
I’m so perplexed by Kyle. I want to like her, but I can’t fully commit to being “a fan.” She seems like a good wife and mom. She seems like a good sister who just doesn’t know how to handle having a sister who is an addict. She came out looking pretty clean in the Yolanda situation and she seems to try to be level…
To some extent I think that’s true. But I also feel Kim desperately wants to be well, but she wants even more desperately to SHOW people that she’s well. It’s not enough for her to be sober; she’s got to convince the world she’s fine. Which is kind of her tragedy. She’s always going to push stuff under the rug and be…
That’s totally sobriety when we live in a world of #alternativefacts.
Adela has spoken so much more honestly about addiction than Eden. I don’t think Eden is secure in her sobriety, whereas Adela has laid out the real ugliness of it and seems to have a better grasp how addiction as a disease doesn’t exist in an emotional vacuum.
I’ve said it already, but Eden is a boring, older version of Brandi. She looks like her; she sounds like her. But she adds nothing.
I love that he clearly wanted “Wendy” in the way he set it up for her to pick the name, but Wendy was like, “NOPE! Not playing that, thirst monster. ‘Janeathan’ it is.”
Came here to this. Beat me to it. I would give you 1000 stars if I could.
Part of enjoying these shows is the ability to “dish” on them afterwards. They’re actually more enjoyable in post imo— reading hilarious commentary or talking about them with friends.
Can we trade her for ANYONE! She is somehow making me appreciate Kelly Dodd because at least Kelly brought interesting drama.
Just some random things...
Also: It smells like a diaper.
I prefer to use the term I heard from Tina Fey. “Underteet.”