
So please explain to us in states that went blue how we could have done anymore? Please explain to us how millenials (the majority of which live in blue states) can do more? Its not 1 person=1 vote. The electoral college did this. Giving equal power to small communitues that have the lowest education scores and

So were you upset with Elliot at Canadian tire when he intentionally wrecked ty Dillon for the win? He called it “racing” then, but now its “dirty”. (I don’t agree with eigher incident, but elliott can’t have his cake and eat it to)

With multiple characters it becomes a hassle keeping up glimmer.

Nameless midnight is okay and thats about it. If a mida isn’t competing its because the user just sucks with it.

The new monarchy armor set for the hunter is just the errant knight armor with the New monarchy symbol on it.

No one would have died? You know the cabal showed up in ships from space, the same place DO wants to flee to, right? So instead of staying and fighting we just go to them on a battlefield we can’t even compete on? Nah.

Cheating is cheating. Can’t let it go just because of the source of your info.

There is a full set as 1 recall and I don’t believe any of them also have it. It was just on the arms as the kind of brand identified like how hakke and them have either a specific color pattern or their little logo on them just in eye sight.

Subway sucks anyways, half the food is above the chill line on the containers and warm.

This woman is a pile of shit. As she states in her own books “if a client has a preconcieved notion that is wrong, do not correct them if it helps make the sale”.

I’m curious what you have to say to all the people who place bags on their seats on a bus or subway. I am constantly forced to stand so some little twit can have hwr purse on the seat next to her ( I am a veteran who has to use a cane because the ligaments in my knee were destroyed by a road side bomb). Silly sjw shit

The part I love about this story is that I lived in L.A. for a long time, lived in a corner house in a residential area, had people constantly hopping the curb and driving through my grass (probably drubks). I called the proper numbers to file a complaint and to see about having something done. I was promptly told by

You’re being so narrowminded it hurts. So a homeless child in a 3rd world country stealing a piece of fruit doesn’t possess the mental aptitude to get a job? Get over yourself dipshit.

What needs to be done is someone should ask,her a question, let her ramble for as long as she wants, then simply ask her to repeat the question. There’s a 99% chance that she won’t even be able to because she was so deep in her own thought getting her sound bites and memorized alternative facts in some kind of order