
It isnt the same thing at all. Openess shouldnt be interpreted as caring and affection. It should be interpreted as friendship. And you cannot cuckold someone unless you are married tothem. Why is it impossible for a man to take the friendship offered, add the girl to a list of friends and look elsewhere for romance?

Just because you feel something, that doesn't make it true. Your entire argument is idiotic. If two people are not in a romantic relationship there can be no cuckolding or other form of cheating, regardless of how you feel. If someone feels hurt by romatic rejection, it is on them to deal with those feelings. And if

"...a guy who puts the time in to be your friend and then eventually wants it to become physical as an expression of his feelings for you, is really feeling ENTITLED."

Damn! That sounds terrifying!

Oh for fuck's sake...

" They would feel as though the closeness you shared with him as a sign of interest. "

Ugh, the whole "I don't need any more friends" thing. I've always wondered how in fuck could someone be interested in a relationship with me if they're not interested in me as a friend. Plus, how can that even be a real thing? "I see you're well qualified for friendship, and you would normally be a strong candidate,

I'm with you. It's too long... sexzoned? fuckzoned?

I've encountered this as well. It is an incredibly devastating thing to have happen. I don't think I have ever felt as stupid and betrayed as when I realized that my "friend" was never, ever my "friend"; rather, our relationship was just an investment towards future sex.

Hmmm... the term doesn't seem like the best to me. But not coming up with anything better.

Why, you're right! My trying to get two women to be sensitive to a third is all about how *I* feel! Good job, you! You have my selfish motives all figured out!

Ugh, If I have to hear one more person say 'Oh you're being so good!!!' When I pass on baked goods or eat my salad when there's pizza for the offing.

You read my post as other people suffering inconveniences for me? Wow. I think your unfair disadvantage in life is not being big. It's being a neurotic nutcase. My big coworker is brilliant and awesome, and she knows it. She's NOTHING like you.

You can't get a good shot in the first place, you're the problem. Photographers did not always have retouching to fall back on, and they got some pretty damned good shots without it. You are advertising that you are unable to do that.

Let's say you do the #1 most important thing to Republicans: get a job. Then, you get pregnant. Can't abort it, so you keep plugging away at work. Hopefully you have health insurance to cover those pre-natal doctor visits! You give birth to the baby and are back to work the next week because you don't get maternity

what are the chances that I could run for a Republican representative spot and, win, and then stage a dramatic turn of events where I suddenly realize that Republicans are terrible and have a change of heart and become prochoice and antigun and whatever else the other half is doing these days?

"If you can make her smile, it doesn't matter what you look like."

Yeah. I can find people aesthetically pleasing, but I'm never sexually attracted to anyone until I get to know them. If I don't find someone interesting, if I haven't had enough of a conversation with them to find them intellectually stimulating, not only won't I find them attractive, I probably won't remember what

Can we also just point out that sometimes personality traits lead to attractiveness? I've seriously only ever dated one guy to whom I was physically attracted at first sight. No, you're not going to date someone who you find ugly. But your personality can make you more attractive. Physically, even. If you make me

Yep. A friend of mine said she was dating this guy who like some sports team and he asked her about it and she rushed to look it up on the internet so she say she knew what was going on instead of admitting she doesn't pay attention to that team. Whereas if she said something about how hemlines are getting longer this