
It's basically the result of breeding unhealthy runt to unhealthy runt, over and over again. Obviously, this causes a lot of problems. In addition to their very high risk of injury (even jumping off the couch can cause injury eventually) they are also predisposed to luxuating patellas (basically their kneecaps slip

I do not understand the love for "teacup" variety dogs. I just feel bad for them for being so tiny. I would shake a lot, too, if fucking everything was bigger than me. And wonder about the genetics and breeding practices that it took to get them there.

She is nothing like my mom.

Know why it doesn't sway women?

I however wish I had the breadth of options a woman does in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.

Figure out a way to grow the fetus on your own and you are welcome to it.

I think most women who are in healthy relationships with men and are in the position of considering whether or not to terminate an unwanted pregnancy DO consider the perspective of their partner. For women who are not in a relationship, or are in an abusive/unhealthy/otherwise dysfunctional relationship, or have been

The other side of this? You mean the side where you get full bodily autonomy as a boy, and I don't, because I'm a girl? No - I don't consider that. Women's bodies are not wards of the state, subject to the whims of men who wish to exert control over them.

...And let's not forget "My state has abortion restrictions, I would have wanted to abort in my first or second trimester, but by the time I jumped through the necessary hoops, gathered my resources, etc. I reached my third trimester" and also "This is a wanted child, however, my latest ultrasound picked up something

Are you under the impression that some women hit the 3rd trimester and say, "You know what? I don't think I want to have a baby after all. I'm gonna get an abortion, buy a new bikini, and hit the beach!" ?

Some gosh darn Hispanic guy beat me out for a job. Stupid feminism!

From the Midwifery Services Page of George Washington University of Washington DC (one of the top Midwife programs in the United States):

One cup of caffeine per day: OK
An occasional drink: OK

Please don't judge other mothers for what they do. As long as they are within the guidelines that their doctors have set for

Oh this one so much. My friends who are more financially established now and who were able to travel more in college, etc. often don't comprehend how much their families helped this happen. While their parents may not have been rich, not having to pay for medical bills, car insurance, school books, and cell bills

No. This isn't just a choice they are making for themselves and their families. This is a public health issue. One of those non-vaccinated kids or adults could be a carrier of a disease that infects a baby who hasn't been vaccinated yet or someone with a compromised immune system which in turn could lead to death.

Someone's parents messed up. Seriously.
If you're raising your kids with money I feel like there is some sort of moral responsibility to instil in them that the majority of people do not live that way.

As a guy who is ex military I never did well with pull-ups either... It favors certain types of men and even though I was stronger than most men in my unit I was also taller and built bigger. So even though I was stronger than most guys I had a lot more weight to pull, my strength to size ratio was less than guys

Seriously! What teenage girls is he fantasizing about? I've never been so happy that the current generation of teenage girls has at its disposal so much opportunity and so many ways to roll eyes, throw shade, ridicule someone on social media, etc. Come back Mean Girls, all is forgiven! We've finally found a use

thought bubble over the wife: "oh, is the camera on me...oh, hi..I can't wait for my employer to have an accident so I can marry someone I'm actually sexually attracted to. While I'm still hot. I mean, until I had money I had no idea that women married men who were actually sexually attractive. I mean, honey, if you

Seems to be claiming to be a gay dude. Which has me totally stumped. I kinda feel like a gay dude having any kind of opinion about vulva grooming is a bit like me having a REALLY STRONG opinion about what color they paint the curbs in Paris. I was there once (many years ago), I don't live there, I have ZERO plans to