Fat Thor. Nothing will beat Fat Thor.
Fat Thor. Nothing will beat Fat Thor.
So my friends and I couldn’t figure out who the guy was behind Scarlet Witch at the funeral(right in front of his porch). We couldn’t recognize him at all. Does anyone know who that was supposed to be?
I mean, it was a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario. They wanted to show obsession. They picked the female nurse to do it with. Their other options were an obsessed male(then they are insulting the gay community), or an obsessed transgender(again, instuling the entire LGBTQ+ community).
Based on what I have seen so far, the story follows a boy and a girl and, shortly after the intro, you pick whether to play the as the boy or the girl.
A Silent But Deadly Place!
I was thinking based on it’s speed, it would be Fire/Electric.
I thought, with it being quick and a rodent, it would be fire/electric
My coworker and I always said there should have been a Game of Thrones cooking show featuring Hotpie and have him have comical “guest” appearances(like Daenerys showing up and making Hotpie “Bend the Knee”).
Yeah, I’m taking her review with a grain of salt.
Especially on a character that literally shoots fire out of her hands. Why hasn't the fur caught fire yet?
Because ALL of DC believes that, if a show is going to be a dark show it needs to literally BE dark. It's why I don't like DC movies anymore either. Color and lighting is a sin to them.
I was thinking that too. 3 hours is super quock. The only way it makes sense that it could have taken 3 hours is if he played on the easiest difficulty.
Is.... Is Spider-Ham voiced by John Mulaney? If so, that is just icing on the cake for me.
DISCOVER WHAT MAKES HER A HERO *cut to scene of her punching an old lady*
Im probably going to get hate for this but:
And how should they handle this then? Have the cops shoot at Spidey all the time(thus making them look like bullies)? Or have Spidey also beat down on cops(thus inflaming the already high police hatred)?
I agree! Like, does Spidey buy web fluids or pay rent? With both leading to different in game consequences. If you don’t buy the web fluids, then you run out of the ability to swing around town. But if you don’t pay rent, then he is homeless and his max health suffers. Or something like that.
All I’m saying is that, of the 5-10 minutes I saw, I didn’t presonally find it aesthetically pleasing at all. I found it more off putting than anything.
Yeah, I agree. The singing on the train scene was where it started to lose me too. It felt like the story was missing about 20-30 min that could have made it better.