
Men everywhere blame her being pug ugly for causing too much sobriety.

My first car.... a 1997 Dodge neon.

Odd I usually get what the epa estimates (or really damn close) on my cars when I drive them. It cant be that flawed...

If its mine of course :)

or job prospects to support said habit.

diesel cruze.... make it happen. my inner mpg nerd wants one

Then I get off work... and hammer the piss out of a highway on ramp... and all is right with the world.

The Subaru Legacy commercial where the guy goes back to the junkyard and gets his shifter knob... that I GET. I wish I had grabbed the shifter knob out of my civic. It saved my life too, wont forget that car.

I think he just had sex with both her and the car... and then her again.

Now playing

Honda pilot commercial. Because I really want to see a totally happy family participating on a road trip. No... I dont. I dont care how awesome YOUR family is.

so bookmarking this

How hard is it to park a car with the wheel base of a postage stamp?

I like how the face is blurred out.... until she gets out of the car.

shit my wrx gets 26ish on premium (on non wintertires)

Havnt been paying attention to the russian videos lately have you...

What the hell does being American have to do with anything?

Attack of the bro-trucks.

LOLowpro am I right?

no no it really does. Me + icy onramp + altimax arctics []