
all seasons = ok in all seasons

brofist <3 E>

Tires always make the difference.

Dont knock white though :) Want some gold wheels sigh.

Cause it wont lol.

I approve of this article. We havnt had enough friggin snow at all for me to do any this season so far :(

Mythbusters actually tested that. It does indeed work. It showed a distinct increase in the force generated by the tires before they lost grip.

Now playing

Me watching this guy in a 350z try and get up an onramp... and fail. He probably had all seasons at best.

<3 clicky for that one. Had my coworkers rolling.

Runaway bmws.... they give you "wings"!

The gas pedal in a beige car?

I do!.. which is a strange thing to admit on the internet I think.

A Veyron running balls out... and not into a lake.

My bets is Chuck Norris flys one too... (I HAD to make that joke).

Are equipment/aircraft failures not part of standard training for any pilots?

This looks like a VHS recording of how monster trucks got started... complete with terrible video quality (by todays standards) from the 80's.

So, still the training.

So in other words its not the safety devices fault, but bad training?

Pfff. WRB just didnt speak to me on my car. It looks better in white on the 10' style.

something like this i bet.