

my 4 IS my best camera lol and I cant get it to take a picture of itself soooo heh.

Im still waiting for Dark Age of Camelot 2, honestly. :\

Cough.... new total annihilation game?

still 1.1g.... jeeeeeeesus.

Let the stalking begin...

or the cobra

Holy crap. How do you even take a turn off a rise THAT FAST without spinning into the nearest wall??!?!

This can only end in mega lawn dartage.

Physics is a cruel mistress, she does not take well to being mocked.

this guy needs an intimate encounter with a tree.

404: texting not found.

unless your running a prius... dont bother using an EC oil... i know its kinda frowned upon for us force induction folks.

lol total mushroom cloud

heres a better resolution one

It was indeed i44.

This is why I then downshift, build a little boost and get my own /smug look.

Isnt this all of our on ramps?

Ural or a deuce and a half.