biologistryan hilarious headlines describing actual news.

I was actually driving back from oklahoma city yesterday. I saw these bubbling up and knew it was going to be bad just like the day before.

youve been spending too much time on fark havnt you :)

But I really like win7 :(

Thus why overhauling will always be the better show.

or you know... they could just steal it before hand anyway?

True, but he was still responsible.

an explody firework on the other hand...

Much better than the maybe several cents you are worth.

So being locally made would an ipad2 be cheaper to buy in china?

What the hell is this title?

The french are now the envy of rock throwing kids everywhere in the middle east.

Should have had their business's based in colorado missouri or iowa... places with snow and mud and other stuff that makes awd machines that companies like HKS cater products for, relevant.

Goes back to enjoying his twin fartcannons. Screw you guys im going rumble.

I hope you are joking.

That is absolutely HUGe. God, it gives me the creeps. Looks eerily similar to the F5 that went through oklahoma city (and about a mile from my grandmas house)

What would be the other cases? Curious as to what would be unique enough to be copywriteable.

"v8-ish" not OMG IS SOUNDS LIKE V8 GUISE!!!

substituting one version of superstitious bullshit for another is just as silly.

We all know karma is real right?