
This will probably get me to buy a ps3.

Clearly criminals there need to teach ours how to properly crime. Yes... I did just make that a verb.

@John Wayne Is Big Leggy: I went to the movies last weekend with the girlfriend. For the two of us it was $19.00. Thats just to get IN to see the movie. I think by the time we got drinks and a SMALL popcorn I was up over 30.00. I remember thinking... I could be at home watching for a few dollars if only I had a

@kurkos_dr: It used to be that if your transmission made it to 75k you were golden.

@The Anti-Fanboy: You have to kill the towers to get sov though... so really you don't have a choice BUT to actually destroy it.

@Vanderhuge: You want a steep learning curve try wwiionline.

We need to seed the area with Chrysler products... that way they will all break down within a month (or less). Leaving them stranded and sitting ducks.

Christ when I test drove a friggin WRX the dealer backed it out for me.

Diesel civic.

@n0m4d: I think the average is actually 5'10" here in the states.

Wheres the comedy pie option?

From someone who works in downtown STL.... yeah shocking.

What happens when it rains?

@Kirkaiya: Wish I was working on this, doing other stuff.

I saw something similar to this abomination. He also had the wing too. On an ECHO.

I hate how weak and flimsy the docks and connectors feel on the i-stuff.

I give it 1 minute before it gets stolen by a crackhead.