
For what its worth. I can actually talk on my 4 inside my apartment without dropping a call. Good luck even trying to get a text message out on my old 3G.

@Maxichamp: Last I checked fuel efficiency isnt real high on a warmachines list of most wanted features.

@doug-g: Clearly Aveo's were the hot ticket.

@doug-g: Clearly Aveo's were the hot ticket.

I fully support this article.

I absolutely adored my Civic EX (may she rest in the big garage in the sky). Enough power since the car only weighed 2400lbs, and got 36mpg all god damn day long.

@modisch: Either way we biologists do it in our genes.

It's just an eclipse haha.

@2 replies: I <3 my Seiko kinetic for this reason. No battery (well it doesnt have one) since 2002.

@ThatKidHunter: Rage at how shit your 3G is still running? I can't stand mine but I have the 4G now lol so meh.

@Powerlurker: No I was partly right. Please try and be a touch more respectful. You just come off as an asshole.


I was under the impression that gravity was not considered a law in physics yet?

@thinkthis: Which is what I did in fact mean.

@phoomp: Pretty much. Phone was unusable. On top of that, I had it jail broken.

@lespey: meaning 4th gen.... I am well aware that it is not a 4g phone.