

“I know what the Latina experience is, I lived in Miami,”

The most sexist place I ever worked was a women’s organization.

It would 100% be just like when you catch your belt loop on a drawer handle or door knob when you're already in a hurry or a bad mood.

I had a friend who was hospitalized with Covid, the full experience, intubated for four days, in hospital for two weeks. We all feared he wouldn’t make it, but the folks at Mass General pulled him through. He was sent home, was receiving daily visits from a registered nurse, and putting out videos thanking us for all

Thankfully they have an easy way to be identified so we can avoid them;

For the rest of my life. Flying’s already a horror show, I don’t need to get an actual fatal illness from it.

Yes it’s wrong, but only because babies & toddlers are just hanging out there waiting for their turn, as well as medically fragile kids who cannot get this vaccine for any number of reasons.

Checks out. The selfish jackass others might call my colleague has been out for a week with no return date in sight but did she let another coworker know she tested positive. This piece of work previously told us she was refusing the vaccine and preferred to put her well-being in god’s hands.

The first airline to require vaccines gets all my business. 

I’m an unvaccinated jerk, but that’s going to change tomorrow. I’ll still be a jerk, though.

If you refuse to get vaccinated, you should:

I sincerely hope this galvanizes public pressure to make vaccines mandatory unless you have an actual medial condition that precludes you from taking them. There is zero excuse for this bullshit, and it is going to harm us as a society far more if we allow it to continue.

I think it is insane that we live in such a reactionary environment that someone isn’t allowed to take a beat, get the information, discuss their thoughts and feelings with those around them before publishing a response. The fact that she took a beat before she published her thoughts. This is a professional, mature

If this is a cause (the whole diet\faux healthy eating business) she feels passionate about, she can use her celebrity to talk about. To use whatever clout she’s got to come done on this one company the way she did seems very misdirected. It would be different if she discovered their yogurt was made with rancid raccoon

My breasts are so dense that mammograms are a waste of time and the only worthwhile test is an ultrasound. Because of said density and the lumps that often come with it, I started mammograms before age 40. I can’t get the ultrasound until I get the mammogram saying they need a better look, so every year I get the

They do look at more than just the cost over cancer costs. They also look at whether or not it saves lives and so far it hasn’t. We’ve put a lot more women through a lot more invasive procedures to determine whether something is cancer or not and woman are dying of breast cancer at the same rates as before we started

After I got mine I learned my boobs are dense, too. That tracks. Every time I tell my boobs a joke they just stare at me like they didn’t get it.

False positives lead to unnecessary further testing and - sometimes - unnecessary further procedures. Every new extra step is another opportunity for errors and false positives. Doing your best to maximize your effectiveness at the first step is in accordance with the principle of “First, do no harm.”

They must have very good Lip readers with all those stiff upper lips.