
This is terrible, they tell you to eat your own feelings and all meals are the same, which will make you even more depressed 

If I accept your math as correct, he is taking home almost $10K/month. So $120K per year. Well above the national median. Yeah, I do find it unreasonable that he would “have trouble” with taking home that amount. And yeah, if I made that much money, I WOULD be able to do the same. It’s not like he is making under

I get that this is a women’s site, and trump is trump, and most of the people (including this guy) he hires are shit.... but like have any of you looked past general anger at a guy not paying alimony and “thinking he’s above the law” into actual math here?

Washington D.C. banned styrofoam in 2016. But I guess since we’re not a state it doesn’t count. 

OK, folks, since I’m currently having to point this out over on Deadspin, I thought I’d repeat it here too:

Now I’m depressed because I read the headline and thought that a Masterpiece theme park was really in the works.

Now playing

I actually added a lesson last year to the composition and rhetoric class that I teach on the world “believe.” I did it for just this very reason. We talk about how the sentences “I don’t believe in vaccines” and “I don’t believe in Santa Claus” or “I don’t believe in eating meat on Fridays” are fundamentally

I am so over him and this was the final nail in the coffin. His hubris at thinking (and saying! On Trevor Noah!) that he is the best person for this job is MINDBLOWING.

When you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything and Petey certainly does seem to have trouble sticking to his initial guns on many issues. Focusing his outreach on former Dem voters who jumped ship to vote Repug once that candidate told them it was okay to let their bigot flags fly, wanting to somehow “build

One of my childhood friends just gave birth to her 4th child. The older 3 have been vaccinated, but she expressed concern about vaccinating this 4th child because of “all of the new information about harmful vaccines.” I have advanced degrees in public health and tried to explain to her that A) Vaccines are safe; B)

No, it harms those kids who’s parents don’t get them vaccinated.

Problem is, we’re at where we’re at today because of personal and religious exemptions: a measles outbreak.  The vaccination/herd immunity rate is obviously not where it needs to be, so nah - no personal/religious exemptions.  

Here’s an edit I would make if I were on Pete’s team: “Vaccines are safe and effective. Pete believes they are necessary in maintaining public health.” Please stop putting the ‘believe’ part in front of the fact part. Facts are facts whether or not you believe them!

Words no longer have meanings.

I was hoping the last take was just “I’m Oprah, bitch”.

“So I was working on pulling myself down and flattening out my personality

Apparently, it wasn’t just her own name she declined to say with 60 Minutes’s requisite lifelessnes, but she was also told she had “too much emotion” in her voice while reporting out stories. “So I was working on pulling myself down and flattening out my personality — which, for me, is actually not such a good thing,”

You’re telling me a show run by old white guys who let let numerous men get away with abusive behavior for years tried to sap the personality out of the most famous beloved person on the planet, a person who happens to be a black woman? I’m shocked. The most shocking development of my very very tired life. 

I can see it now. A person texts a friend that they want to sleep with someone after a date. They go out on the date, and realize that someone is a violent, disrespectful, or just undesirable piece of shit. They try to end the date, and that someone rapes them. But the text says they wanted it, so it’s fine!

There is zero chance this policy won’t be weaponized to discredit victims.