
I kept regaling him with long, agonised accounts of my toilet breaks, in the hope of making it, in some way, our UTI. He had to catch a flight at one point and I realised that if the plane went down, one of the last things I would have said to him was ‘Honestly, it’s like pissing a live porcupine’.

re: peeing after sex- I had to learn this from Howard Stern of all people. He had some adult actresses on and was doing a quiz show type segment where he asked them how to prevent UTIs. All the women, in unison, said “Pee after sex” and that was the moment I learned more about my body from Howard Flippin’ Stern than

“Sometimes this could mean years of taking the drug.” No! No! No! I hope that doesn’t become a common practice -or if it does I hope they educate their patients about probiotics. I have a congenital kidney defect which means I get UTIs and kidney infections at least a couple times a year, ever since I was a child. My

“...and peeing after sex.” 

Agreed.  He’s too polished/groomed in his official photos.  

That’s nice, but word to the wise: as women age, cycles can get erratic. I used to be like clockwork in my twenties and early thirties. I’m 38 now and shits a little more complicated; 25 days, 28 days, sometimes 32 days. I would for sure get pregnant using this type of method now, and I wish that the article would

it was very charming and i enjoyed the 92 minutes i spent with them, but i didn’t immediately forget it because i have two lingering issues that were just...never addressed.

I’m physically unable to breastfeed and I had the older version of this for my third baby, it was LIFECHANGING and I recommend them to everyone who exclusively formula feeds/regularly supplements with formula.

Also (and this is directed at itsnotaboutthepasta), for someone who struggles with breastfeeding it’s not

Smashing down Louis's hair and parting it instead of it being left babylike also adds to the plain factor.

I really enjoyed watching this but you’re right that the movie itself didn’t linger long. (Besides the occasional wonderment at how none of them died with the amount of drugs and alcohol they combined in a short period of time. Oh, youth.)

So, what exactly do you want from baby photos?

George was cuter at that age, but I think Louis has the kind of baby face that will turn into a handsome adult. 20 years from now, Louis will likely be the better looking brother. Although I think both will be handsome. 

He has plenty of time to grow into his face, but yes, that is a plain child.

That blue sweater with the spotted puppy is just adorable, I love it! But I think that kid is not so adorable, sorry Louis. 

It’s not out of nowhere if you consider that men like Stephen Moore really, truly hate sharing any kind of space with women unless those women are providing some sort of sexual fantasy for them. He wants that “vacation from women” to apply to pretty much any public space. Some men just really, really hate women.

Louis looks like a mini George. I can’t see much of Charlottes looks in him.

Important heads up on the pot thing: just because it may be legal in the state doesn’t mean it’s legal on the federal level. If you know anyone going through the Naturalization process who likes to toke, make sure they stay away from that until they have their papers in hand! Then they can celebrate. 

He just doesn’t want to be around women at all. 

I know this isn’t the point, but women shouldn’t be selling beer at basketball games? Where the fuck did that come from?