
One of the few times I truly believe Kim. Her family was absolutely in the position where he could have bought her and the other girls way into UCLA or USC but neither Kim or Khloe even attempted college and Kortney went to kinda random schools (SMU/Arizona)

But she didn’t say her kids aren’t privileged. She just said she wouldn’t buy their way into a place where they could not be successful. You could make a slightly more sophisticated argument and say wealthy parents buy their kids into selective institutions all the time by, for example, providing them with tutoring

Oh come on, next thing you’ll be asking us to get rid of The Star-Spangled Banner! That’s....oh wait....

Or y’all could do one better and get rid of the gross nationalist exceptionalist singing of “God Bless America” at sports altogether.

I’ll just be over here holding my breath.

In a couple decades, this is going to be the new huge worldwide plague. People talk global warming as the big threat, no, this is gonna hit before and horrifically. And little is being done.

I know this is said all the time, and this is far from the most egregious example, but can you imagine if Obama would have said “bullshit” in a comment about a DOJ investigation involving him? Or one of the litany of Congressional Benghazi investigations? The right would have absolutely lost their minds hand wringing

1. Establishment democrats can stop their whining and get on board. How many times have they use the argument that progressives have to wait or compromise or whatever? They can take their own advice, stuff down their feelings, and adopt the same party loyalty they demand of everyone else. The public is with us, not

Pish posh, I’m sure there are plenty of Christian rock bands ready to supply a soundtrack and full score. Bonus: the music would have been just about as good as the movie.

They only perform the most COMPASSIONATE bombings, shootings, and murdering of abortion providing doctors! The MOST COMPASSION! YUGE COMPASSION! 

I never saw it because I kept hearing it described as a lighthearted comedy and heard critics say, “It’s Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for girls!”. No. There is no way a movie about going through pregnancy and giving up your baby for adoption is comparable to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

I was like, “HOW BIG IS HER UTERUS.” 

I just.

That’s why I still can’t get behind Juno. The weird anti abortion message.

Oh yes. Those protestors are also sensitive to each woman’s background, experience, life story, and deeply personal reasons for seeking out birth control/health services. It’s not like they sit outside those clinics assuming that all clients of the clinic are dirty whores that just need to be saved. /s

[There were also “over a dozen car accidents where the cars have been ripped to pieces or rolled over by a truck,” Solomon said, alluding to more Mephistophelean obstacles.]

To answer the question posed by the title of this article, “what is an anti-abortion movie supposed to do”....

So this Abby story is pretty suspect/interesting:

Helpful and compassionate?!?! Yelling at women telling them they’re baby killers is “helpful and compassionate?” Sure, Jan. 

I was great at it but nurses and doctors said no.  And I was like wth did you make it sound like this was an essential skill?  Hmm, it’s all a cloud.  I think we fed while swaddled?