
My daughter would not sleep on her back. From day 1 she would try to get to her stomach. They made little bumper things for her in the hospital because she refused to stay on her back. We used the she also hated swaddling. We used a sleep sack but other than that she insisted on being unsafe. She’s 7 now and she's

Yeah, I never even realized that these were for sleeping all night. Ours was in the living room for daytime naps where we could see her.

we had one for my son for him to nap in but only when we had line of sight on him

I saw Mod Sun the other day in some headline (probably on here) and it didn’t register as the name of a person. I thought it was a store or a sister store to Pac Sun (do those even exist any more? I haven’t been to a mall in for-ev-er).  Hi, I’m an old.  

I swear to God I just aged twenty years reading that.

omg I had to look this dude up and found out that his name stands for “movement on dreams, stand under none” and I am fucking CACKLING. i hate everything

What will happen to Thorne’s 19 cats? Surely Mod Sun was co-parenting that massive colony?

I think it’s cool that she’s doing it too! I also wish other states would allow for this instead of forcing people to take on a great deal of debt for three years of law school (or that law was an undergrad degree, as it is in virtually every other country).

I don’t think Kim was denying that she has a lot of assistance that makes it possible for her to go to become a lawyer. What she was saying was, she still has to do the work. She has to put in the internship hours, she has to pass the interim tests, and she’ll have to take the bar exam. Some people seemed to think she

She does not.  California allows the option of serving as an apprentice to a licensed attorney for four years.  After that time, you can sit for the bar and, if you pass, able to practice law in California just as any other attorney who passes the bar.  The pass rate for people who try it this way is about 30%.

I don’t see it as shitting on her. Jezebel does regularly point out privilege influences peoples’ lives, and the focus was more on that. The gist being, “Getting your law degree is awesome and commendable, but don’t get defensive when people point out the help you’ve had getting through the process.”

I think it’s fine for Kardashian West to study the law or not—I’m just tired of celebrities asking people to forget they’re rich and have a gazillion nannies and personal chefs and assistants to make their lives easier”

Francois-Henri Pinault is also married to a very recognizable movie star, Salma Hayek. Not necessarily relevant, but an interesting tidbit.

This isn’t just a church, it’s a symbol of Paris and an 850 year old architectural masterpiece. 

If only that lucrative tourist site revenue and paid taxes to Help feed the poor. Your right, rebuilding makes no sense.

This is truly devastating. The irony of renovation work accidentally causing such destruction is pretty unbelievable. The outpouring of support and sadness is understandable, but at the same time I can’t help but wish that same outpouring was being shown over the daily destruction of our planet.

I do hope that as part of the selling process they track down what’s far more interesting - was there any connection between FIL’s great-whatever and Bronte, or did whatever ancestor who attained this get it from one of the estate auctions, in which case who did it belong to?

Sell. that. shit.

I also used the dangle feed, but the worst clogged ducts seemed to happen when I was stuck at work. Lots of massage and manual draining was the only thing I could do.