
She’s not stupid. She’s just used to getting what she wants. If you’ve always gotten everything, why would you think this is different.


Because despite the number of Christian talking heads who say that sex is a wonderful thing in the context of marriage, most fundies actually believe that sex and sexual pleasure are evil. To them, sex is justified by its role in reproduction, and therefore tolerable within marriage. But the idea of adults - even

Puritanism: The feat that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time somehow.

1) Find woman who had spontaneous abortion

. . . Well, I guess if we’re looking for silver linings, I appreciate that for once someone in the anti-abortion movement is being candid. Even accepting his logic, however (which, to be clear, I do not):

how far they’ve actually come since believing legal threats are the best solution to an issue like truancy.

If you live in a legit farmhouse, all of these things are acceptable to a degree. They don’t belong in mid to late century suburban homes and that seems to be all these two ever do.

Yup. There’s no such thing as “classic” because eventually it’ll be dated. My mom always insisted on beige *everything* in her homes because she moved around so much, and they were just easier to sell.

Design on a Benjamin, HGTV, circa 2063:
All right. First we’ll get rid of these outdated hardwood floors, carpet is such a more modern choice. Then we’ll stretch this wall out to close off these rooms. After that, we’ll get to wallpaper and wood paneling, and install the new faux popcorn ceiling!

I am already with you on all three. I have always hated farmhouse sinks. I do not understand their appeal at all. I want my sink to blend in, not stand out. Sinks are inherently gross.

Does Trump think that they had modern architecture techniques and tools available in Washington’s time?  Does he know what Washington’s time was?  Does he know what time is?

I’m honestly astounded that this isn’t satire.

Well they already let the Property Bros take over. Time for another team of related people to pick one aesthetic and run it into the ground!

Every time my mother hears their names, she always asks, “I thought they left television to spend more time with their kids.  I guess not.”

One day, far far into the future, I look forward to watching a home improvement show where everyone is as disgusted by shiplap, hanging barn-style doors and farmhouse sinks as I am. 

Uploading that type of information is crazy, IMO. But people are dumb and will willingly give all sorts of information to these types of things without thinking of the implications and/or how their data could be used or sold.

When she gave birth last spring, she used the app to chart her baby’s first online medical data — including her name, her location and whether there had been any complications — before leaving the hospital’s recovery room.

and wrenches the story away from a serial killer who’s been elevated to the point of fascinated worship.

Victorian society was a game of Shoots and Ladders