
Probably because Huffman’s kid wasn’t as “in-your-face” about her privilege and her very vocal utter disdain for things other people have to work so hard for.

I think we need to believe people when they tell us who they are if it is something that clearly has nothing to do with us. He does point out how difficult and DEADLY this can be for people. 

I’ve noticed the same thing and wondered about it. I think most of that comes down to Olivia Jade for basically being a self-parody. If she didn’t have the whole shallow influencer thing, and hadn’t already posted a video in which she says she’s only interested in college for the parties...

How come people always talk about faith getting them through a very public scandal AFTER they’ve done bad things? Where was your faith BEFORE you intentionally decided to be a selfish asshole?

I always tip 20% unless the waitperson is aggressively bad (and not for things our of their control), but the percentage has kept climbing up, no? I remember 15 years ago reading articles that said 15%, then 15-18, then 18-20, and now a firm 20%. Overall this means a couple bucks difference and I’ve never argued

I have so many questions. Did the pooping in the pool just become like a thrill so he went on a poop spree? After the first one he just couldn’t stop? Or did somehow in his mental state did he think the water would make the poop disappear?

We can extrapolate that Biden has probably made thousands of women feel uncomfortable at this point in his career, all the while thinking he was doing the opposite, so where do we go from here? The nature of the interactions actually bothers me less than the fact that he apparently has such bad interpersonal skills

Since it’s highly unlikely Biden will be reading this comment, I’ll post some advice for anyone else that wants a takeaway from this: If you consider yourself an affectionate person, particularly with strangers, take a moment to ask yourself: Is it possible that you’ve made people uncomfortable, but they’ve been too

I knew so much of this kind of shit was going to come out if he ran. He could have coasted on years of (misguided) goodwill from being Obama adjacent, yet here we are. Go away, Joe.

Power structures mean that Biden literally has more power than all of the women he’s touched. So no, they may not have the ability or the comfort level to say no.

EXACTLY. I was on a work trip last month when my uncle died. When I explained this to my boss, she expressed her sympathies, and asked me if I would like a hug. I declined, and she was cool with it. And honestly, the fact that she asked first touched me so fucking deeply I almost started crying (again) then and there.

Why does he even feel compelled to run for President? The moment has passed. It passed him by long ago, which is why he agreed to be on the ticket as Vice President. He could sit back and play kingmaker, making people come to him and beg him for an endorsement or an on-stage appearance at a campaign rally. There would

Caring grandmas sometimes do these things with families (mine didn’t). I can’t remember ever seeing on a trail, in the workplace, or any other professional setting seeing a grandma treat people the way Biden treats people. Think of all the gazillions if mothers/grandmothers we have seen on the podium ...I can’t

The phrase “Wanna hug it out?” exists for a reason!

People should also push back against Amy  for being an abusive boss.

At this stage in 2008, Guiliani was leading in the polls and ultimately did terribly, so, polls mean very little at this stage. Also see the 2012 election, Huckabee and Palin leading at this point.

If you think hugging someone will help, fucking say “I understand that was very hard for you to do. Would a hug help?” or something to that effect. DON’T FUCKING TOUCH SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE.

Again, how hard is it to just not touch people? The last person I touched (outside a handshake) who wasn’t family or a close personal friend was someone I had to give the Heimlich maneuver to. If you are at work don’t hug people, don’t kiss them, don’t smell their f*cking hair, don’t give them a shoulder rub. It

I swear to god, if I see one more “this isn’t a problem, he’s the only possible way to beat Trump” comment, I’m gonna scream.

I don't even understand why. They didn't make films that would compete with other Disney properties, and they all made bank. This is just stupid. Disney is the EA of film making.