
lol i can’t believe i just pretended my kids only eat these muffins in moderation. 

Now playing

This is the state where this is acceptable:

How is that even ok?!

My mom worked for the public defender and she would tell me about the closet at their office full of Dress Barn hand-me-downs and old polyester suits for the clients to wear. I guess it makes sense that a private attorney would have better resources. Although this does lead me to wonder how she is paying for the

Getting a criminal defendant decent clothes is really common because if they are sitting there in their prison jumpsuit, the jury tends to view them as a criminal and leans towards guilty verdicts. HOWEVER, hiring a stylist is absolutely ridiculous and deserves every ounce of scorn.

Actual rich people like her scam their business associates, then refuse to pay them, then declare bankruptcy to get out of the debts.

I look forward to the day on set where, confused by being unaccustomed to solo work and steeped in weeks of Shakespearian vernacular, he cries out, “Oh brother, where art thou?”

The sole woman among his band of disciples...

This case kind of fascinates me (as did the faux Rockefeller, who pulled his scam off for 20 years - including a long marriage).

I just don’t understand the “obscenely huge glasses” look that has taken over, lately -- it’s gone positively redonkulous.

YIKES I hope you reported her! What the actual fuck?

Actually, no, insurance is still going to cover you for you “fun” they just aren’t paying for the vaccinations. Which, really, aren’t that many. You are getting a few additional vaccines that will last years. If you get some kind of illness or trip and break your leg getting off the plane when you arrive home would

Fuck. That. Judgmental. Bitch. 

Why should my insurance cover whatever old man disease you have? I’m 32 and healthy. I don’t need to get medical treatment or take any pills. I mean. Why should I pay for your statins or whatever. You should exercise more or have been born with better genetics. 

Once I called my previous insurance provider to make sure an annual STI test was covered as a part of my yearly gyno check up - it was not! I was annoyed, and the woman on the other end of the line coughed delicately and said that “in [her] day, [she] hadn’t *needed* one”. Fuck her and fuck United health insurance.

YEP. I’m an NYC-based Catholic and my church is all up in arms about the new abortion laws (someone actually got up and said “and now women can have their babies ripped out of them and murdered at 40 weeks pregnant,” which.) and I’m just sitting there, muttering as loudly as I can that this is bullshit when they don’t

Ding ding, someone go back in time and tell those alter boys to wear less provocoatuve clothing maybe they wouldn’t have been molested!

I came here to say exactly this! The spin around method is the only one that makes sense! And I say this as someone who has tried both ways.

I think that’s a been a huge shift between Gen-X and the younger generations. I recently realized that HIV has been a treatable and livable disease for my entire sexually active life, and PrEp was released before I graduated college; for my generation, it’s definitely something to be avoided, but it’s more like HIV is