Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

I know, it’s so wonderful it makes me want to squeeeeee! For years I had vaguely remembered “Gaslight” as starring Joan Fontaine*, because I somehow saw the original (on public TV I think, in Chicago) just the once when I was very young, so when people would refer to Ingrid Bergman...I wondered. I knew I’d seen

Are you going to insist the parrot is just resting, too?

Honestly, the fate and history of the 1940 Gaslight is one of my favorite things ever. MGM trying to make the original film just...disappear, literally disappear forever, in favor of their own version. It’s just so delicious! “Don’t be ridiculous, Gaslight is a 1944 film with Ingrid Bergman!! You must be imagining

I don’t know why you’re saying this is a good film, it’s obviously bad and everyone else knows it, you just think it’s good because you’re crazy

I really enjoyed The Curse and would watch anything by Fielder and Stone, a team I’d never in my wildest dreams think would work well together, let alone end up working together at all. 

It’ll be interesting to see Mufasa do...favours...for other animals.

Emily Blunt must be having a sainthood level of patience and tolerance if that’s how The Rock is cooking in Jungle Cruise.

“[A]t least one journalist started checking under the hood of his megastar persona, and now the chickens have come home to roost.”

Canadian here. We are polite. If I stub my toe on a fire hydrant, my first reaction is to apologize to it..... But I’m always fucking late.

I don't this clause applied to the Fast and Furious movies.

I’ve always found that weird because his big thing back when he started out in wrestling was “selling” moves and making his opponents look good (No one takes a Stone Cold Stunner better), so he must know the value of losing a fight for the better story.

And then a giant team-up crossover movie in the RCU (Red Cinematic Universe): Redgame

The most disturbing thing I took from this piece is that there will be a Red Notice 2.

Three sources, including one close to Seven Bucks, claimed Johnson averaged no more than an hour late to set.


Three sources, including one close to Seven Bucks, claimed Johnson averaged no more than an hour late to set.

‘Red One’? I wonder what camera they’re shooting that on...

My favorite line from the article: In response to questions from TheWrap, two sources close to the production and one close to Seven Bucks all insisted that Johnson averaged no more than one hour late to the “Red One” set.

If that’s the best your DEFENDERS can do, there’s a problem

If you smell what the Rock is cookin... It’s asparagus.

Wow... what a fall... It just goes to show:
You either die a hero, or li—IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!!