Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

Or the Tracy Jordan version: “Zack Snyder’s Rebel Honky Grandma Be Trippin’”

Fuck, Avatar has had more cultural impact that Rebel Moon.

Rebel what now?

I also question the apples-to-apples of it. People who get dressed, travel to a theater and pay their $11 to specifically see one thing aren’t really comparable to people who’ve already paid their $15 and are just settling for something to have on in the background while they fidget with their phones/iPads.

Sat, not many, but from personal experience I can tell you a lot of us slept through it. 

Zack should quit his day job and become a PR flack. He's much better at that than making movies.

Heeeeeeey! An unnecessary fight!

I recommend the all lace variety :)

They were invented for women who needed to get home from the theatre, or ambassador's soirée, on their BMXs.

They’re called fingerless gloves or arm warmers. They’re very attractive when they fit snugly. The ones Sweeney are wearing are too long and baggy, imo. As I recall, they were popular with the Goth set.

Kat Denning is getting sweet sweet Marvel “fun supporting actor we love to see in anything” money. 

Before I respond to your surprise about men liking a young woman with large breasts, let me just say that Earth is honored to welcome you to this planet.

Ok… judges ruling

Having taught Gen z college kids for a few years, I can absolutely say that they are not nearly as sex forward as they present. Like, they conceptually understand that being sex positive is a good thing, they know how to sound sex positive, but have absolutely no concept of what that means on a fundamental level. Put

If I had a rack like that I’d probably never talk about anything else. I might not even own any shirts. You’re only in your 20s once.

Look, give credit where credit’s due. This week, they went with the first two things they thought of.

Chesty McTitsalot is available now that Jennifer Connelly dieted or doctored her way out of the club

but there can be only one Tits McGee, and she lives in San Diego.

Dammit, Larry! RIP Mr. Lewis.

“star of Curb Your Enthusiasm?” How DARE you disrespect Prince John like that!