Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

Amusingly Twitter was dunking on him this week, well that’s some timing.

Well Woody Guthrie wrote a song about how much he sucked, so he wasn't nobody.  But he definitely fell between the cracks between then and now.

Hell yeah now we're talking. 

I am all for Margot. She was so good at physical comedy in Barbie, she could play a pirate.

Also Jon Voight has a massive errection and Shia gets pelted with a MAGA Hat.  It feels like a Jay Sherman college film.

Correct answer, continuity doesn’t matter its post apocalypse Man With No Name. Maybe Max wasn’t involved in any of these stories and its just a campfire legend after a while.

Also other reviewers have had difficulty explaining what the fuck this film is.

It does help that Coppola even at his best was always a bit of a weirdo, and he only grew more deranged as time went on.  A movie like this after decades of sipping wine, I mean I'd be disappointed if it wasn't incomprehensible nonsense. 

Well this is clearly the most memorable review here in quite sometime.

I have heard mixed things but will probably watch at some point. I think it started off as an 1883 spin off but ultimately became its own thing in the Sheridanverse.

This is entire fight feels like a soap opera, how appropriate. 

Waaaaaay better.  1923 is waves better then Yellowstone. 

Upon double checking it appears your right and I mixed the two up.  Well I retract my statement. 

I am confounded that this is constantly number 1 on Apples streaming service.  With Masters of the Air that made perfect sense.  With Manhunt I understand. This?  Nope.  

I played a lot of the Final Fantasy rip off Lord of the Rings The Third Age. They play that full speech before the Helms Deep level and its hard so you hear it a lot when reloading.

If someone doesn't cheer or tear up at ride to ruin and the worlds ending, check the pulse.

No parent should ever bury their child is so not a fantasy phrase, its painfully human. Made worse in the extended cut where the kid lingers for a while.

Genuinely sad to see him go. That man was incredible in the role as Theoden. Its not an easy character, and yet I cannot imagine any other human as him.

I didn't know the first case of being gaslit, was for Gaslight.  That's so perfect I cannot even...

It never ceases to blow my mind that this was Angela Lansburys first performance, and she's 18.  She genuinely never looked her age until the 1970s.  What a legend, still can't believe she's gone.