Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

That is both excellent taste and a very interesting combo.  Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, and Good Morning!

I mean to modern audiences.  If you tell someone about LOVE and HATE they'll probably think Do the Right Thing and not Night of the Hunter.

Bond I feel is a bit easier to keep going since its very formula heavy and the actor can change, the love interest always changes, etc.  Until recently when they tried doing an MCU and it didn't work.

Ghostsbusters Gettysburg Adventure.  Ghostbusters Waterloo Horrors.  Ghostbusters D Day Madness.  I would pay money to see Bill Murray zap nazi ghosts.

It would lend itself to make jokes about, oh you think New York is corrupt now?

I demand someone make a film with all four just so we can get the Spiderman Pointing meme and other nonsense.  I genuinely on a good day can barely tell Samara Weaving isn't Margot Robbie.  For years I kept thinking, it was weird that Margot Robbie was on Ash V Evil Dead.

It has been long enough that I doubt most people would even remember it was the name of POTC 4.  Its worth doing it the right way again.

Now we are talking!  I'd quite enjoy that.

I would like that. Could mean saving Oprah in Chicago from the ghosts of the Eastland Disaster, a real ghost story by the way.

Oh yeah the mayor says he was talking to old Little Flower. Missed opportunity to make that a gag.

Was that what they were going for? They just say died in a fire and she isn’t dressed or acts like anyone from 1911 and box of matches aren’t exactly turn of the century.

They had her in the running for years to play the ride character Redd, who is blatantly based on Anne Bonny.

The book is highly influential. The guy who made the Monkey Island games has said, Stranger Tides was the biggest inspiration.  Shame it was adapted into a fairly lame film.

The original is so underrated, Harry Powell is the scariest thing Robert Mitchum ever played, and it ends with a fantastic final showdown between ultimate evil and ultimate good played by Lillian Gish.

Me being the history nerd, always kinda wished they leaned more into history. The Titanic briefly shows up in 2 and I think that’s awesome.

I am in favor of a lot of things ending. Won’t happen because I understand that artistry and money are always at odds, but I’d be fine with many franchises reaching a logical stop point.

Its incoherent. It jumps from native American rights and history matter, even critiquing police handling of missing people cases, to lets cheer the man who said progress is bad and make him governor, the president randomly shoots dogs for shits and giggles, and here’s a hippie girl who feels plunked from a Daily Wire

I got forced to watch the entire Yellowstone series and its spin offs since the last Yellowstone article.

Alan Moore wakes up to a mob of people on his front door.

Its a thing in a lot of Stephan King novels, not at all what this film seems to think.