Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

Complaining about people compaining about you is frankly a waste of air.  Especially if its, three people on Twitter of moderate at best renown.  Hardly like when Jack Warner the FIFA executive mocked John Oliver, that was something. 

Okay, my favorite pirate book is Treasure Neverland: Real and Imagined Pirates by Neil Rennie. I know some people say its dry but its a solid account of the trajectory of the pirate as an image from 1690 to 2004. The first two chapters are on the era itself and its masterfully done. I’m not the biggest fan of Republic

Hey!  You gotta see this!

Matt Bomer as Blackbeard is super good. The real Thatch maybe wasn’t from Bristol, but he nails the West Country accent.

They have done that since AC Origins, sometimes its decent sometimes less.

Okay as the pirate historian, this game is bizarre. The opening narration talks about capitalism and mega corporations, which doesn’t fit. Its set in 1695, East India Company is around but its not a global monster yet, and mercentalism is the dominate economic style, Adam Smith isn’t even born until 1723.

Having seen the film (to please family) I have severe doubts that increasing the runtime will actually make it a better film.  So many core issues, like the depiction of Naoleon, the way battles like Waterloo and Austerliz are depicted, the general WHO THE HELL IS THAT feeling when generals like Ney or Blucker show

Get on your feet!

If this was the guy behind Contract to Kills review.....

You kids and your ragtime music!  Scott Joplin will never catch on I tells you!

Im stunned, STUNNED that the cinematic masters of Sony made a mess.  There was no sign or hint this would be this bad.............................

Would have been nice to at least mention that the report saying nobody would convict Biden because he’s old is kinda an out of line comment similar to Comey in 2016, and that the man who wrote the report was a Trump appointment and associate of former AG Barr.  That feels somewhat relevant.  I have no doubt Biden is

It was always doomed to be the Duke Nukem Forever of this generation. I wish it could be more, pirate games are far and few and as someone who has studied the era, the real story isn’t dull.

I have said it hundreds of times. This website peaked with the Contract to Kill review. There were other great highlights like History of Violence, Popcorn Champs and When Romance Met Comedy, but Contract to Kill was the mountain peak.  Its been downhill since. 

I honest to god couldn’t tell if this was sarcasm at first. I remember as a kid hating Elmo and would have cheered horrible things happening.

Same.  I see some assholes mad about female pirates which, okay I actually do study Anne Bonny quite a bit so I should be super nitpicky.  But I can live with that, torpedo runs like its Samar island, machine guns and rocket launchers is so well past my threshold. 

This tactic was done with the Disney Direct to Video movies Atlantis The Lost Empire 2 and Beauty and the Beast 3.  They were fucking baaad.

Super ugly. She was my moms favorite artist, I learned that only after she died. Both Sides Now is a song I always reflect on the meaning, something is lost and gained in living every day indeed. Circle Game is my emotional release valve, play the notes and I’m a mess.

Yeah. I saw him in September 2022 in Columbus. He looked real bad, had to have an oxygen mask every 15 minutes. Was in good spirits and made jokes about death and dying and if anyone wanted free oxygen so that was swell.

Season 1 was beyond amazing and I wish more people saw it.  Season 2 was an embarrassing come down.  This season, I don't know that premise doesn't sound exactly original it sounds a little American Horror Story Asylum.  But six episodes is probably a good idea, season 2 dragged so goddamn hard.