
Remember how we vowed to repeal the Electoral College in 2001?

I’ll get shit for it, but I’d rather vote for the old white guy who has remained more-or-less consistent in his left-wing views over a pretend, feel-good shallow veneer of progress disguising the same neoliberal, center-right bullshit.

isnt it great we cant say; how much her political baggage and poorly ran campaign didnt help her win an election from a family friend nutcase, with votes from bernie supporters who still get shit from her fucking turd supporters who claim time and again bernie supporters didnt vote for her; because it’s sexist?

go the

Ultimately this should fall under the umbrella of universal health care, in general. We have the means to implement a system that works, but not the political will to enact it. Businesses are making too much money off the public’s suffering and they are adamant about keeping the status quo. Because their dollars speak

Anecdotally it definitely did. I seriously considered being Done after Deadspin died. It doesn’t help that The Takeout also has a completely different staff than this time last year. The loss of Kate is, in particular, a massive blow.

Dake’s point still stands. There is no reason to change the final drive which affects every gear. The better solution would be to make 1-5 lower while retaining a high 6th gear for highway cruising.

The world has run out of time for baby steps.

That hardtop alone is 2k to the right buyer.

I had to vote NP because the CP description was way off. This isn’t a poseur, it’s the real deal and that’s good aftermarket gear - for those who are into it. That said, it is right on the borderline between NP/CP. The price is a bit high for the mileage, but overall it is in fantastic shape and has had good

I have a bone-stock 2002 LX470 and it’s the best damn vehicle I’ve owned. I’ve done some pretty decent off-road stuff with it. I would buy this in a heartbeat.

Income taxes don’t work because institutional wealth doesn’t generate income, it just sits there, passively growing and not being circulated.

In form? Fine, we can argue about looks all day long. But in spirit, this looks like what the Fit has always been- a small, well-built car that’s ridiculously useful and economical, and may even be a little fun to drive on the right road. I don’t see that part of the equation changing with the next generation.

This is the most fascinating story I’ve read in ages, a blend of MindHunters and Transcedence. If someone doesn’t buy the rights to this story and make a film out of it, I’ll be VERY disappointed. Great stuff.

Trump’s campaign misusing a meme doesn’t so much concern me as Trumpo trying to pull literal Nazi shit with an executive order declaring Judaism to be a nationality. Not only is this continuing Trump’s anti-semitic “Jews = Israel” stance, but it’s also another step in justifying deporting Jews. Because if Jews are a

If you liked Goodfellas, you’ll like The Irishman. But you’ll like Goodfellas more than The Irishman.

Yeah, that math didn’t work for me either. For that matter, why isn’t this “restaurant” seized and sold? It was used in the commission of a crime.

Let me get this straight:

I bought my first hatchback almost 2 years ago. I can’t imagine ever owning a sedan again. The height in the trunk is extremely useful to me. I don’t mind packing it full to the ceiling, and having a rear wiper is nice. My trunk is on the verge of too small in my mazda3 so I’d like a Golf sportwagen next time for a

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

It’s worrying that the data is based on only less than half of the original sample size that kept in touch... who are the people that are least likely to keep in touch? The ones that fell off the wagon! This data is skewed towards the more responsible people in the group! Of course they drank less!