Can your mom work her magic in the Portland, OR area? I’ll buy her a very nice lunch.
Can your mom work her magic in the Portland, OR area? I’ll buy her a very nice lunch.
This paragraph is a brilliant synopsis of the ongoing conversation had almost daily between friends. Bravo!
Why have Kanter guarding the big at all? Sag him all the way to the rim and put a more athletic defender on the pick and roll. I’ll take my chances with Bogut or Looney missing shots on the roll than an open look for Curry any day.
Why have Kanter guarding the big at all? Sag him all the way to the rim and put a more athletic defender on the pick and roll. I’ll take my chances with Bogut or Looney missing shots on the roll than an open look for Curry any day.
You had the correct answer in the photo but it didn’t make the list?
This is the most vulnerable GS team in years. Portland’s 2nd unit is way better than the Warriors and I think its going to be a good series.
Agreed. Overturning Roe would be a French Revolution like moment.
You guys are killing me with these suggestions. She is clearly asking for a body on frame rock crawling SUV. You can’t get back to the all the goods in those poser camper rigs. She needs the lowest mileage one of these she can find while saving some budget for a mechanic to go through everything and maybe do a lift…
That sounds better but I could have sworn these were supposed to be in the low $20's when first announced which would actually be very exciting. Another >$30k compliance car is not exciting.
Trolls gonna troll
Some of us refer to it as Beervana
Its all Blah blah blah after the 2nd amendment to them.
Thank you for your service, now go retire already you corporate sycophant.
Lots of good arguments in the threads but I’d say it depends on where you live. Subaru’s are king in the PNW and this particular example would command a NP even at this lofty price.
Dems: There is nothing we can do in the minority to stop Mitch McConnell.
..and they will loop that last part where she says “I don’t know what we are here doing”
You are too polite. The ref intentionally kicked his foot while the big mans leg was pretzeled. That was gross and deserves discipline, fines, and public stoning.
Stacy Abrams has earned respect for herself with hard work and determination. Biden’s move is a disgusting portrayal of sexism and out of touch identity politics. She doesn’t need you Joe. She can stand alone without a creepy ass sneak massage from you.
Which means you are embarrassed to admit that you chose to mutilate your child’s genitals without their permission.
$4,087 per hour he is breathing for the next 12 years. Seems fair.