
Which means you are embarrassed to admit that you chose to mutilate your child’s genitals without their permission.

That is the unfortunate outcome of capitalism based on quarterly profits. Increase profits with disregard to future profitability (next guys problem) or regard to the planet.

$4,087 per hour he is breathing for the next 12 years. Seems fair.

Let’s give Beto credit where credit is due. He’s the only Irishman able to climb onto the bar and ramble out a story without getting kicked out of the establishment. Now that’s charisma.

They seem very selective in their love of the constitution or don’t have the attention span for anything after article 2.

Unlike Trump who literally just threatened a coup if he doesn’t win in 2020.

“Semi SEXY” with evidently no love for the Roadster

Anyone notice that Thor has his “Axe” looking end of Infinity War “stormbreaker” in one scene but it looks like his old hammer when he meets Carol? Whats up? Did I miss some transformer weapon action in the last movie? Thought his sister destroyed the hammer.

Because he is BS’ing you. This is the younger version of the “I’d like to have a beer with that guy”. Beto was inspiring in his run against Cruz and it’s hard to fault the moderate approach in Texas. We have waayyyy too many moderates already running and that charisma only goes so far. The rising left isn’t going to

Can’t trust GA. Just ask Stacey Abrams.

Great writing Paul. You nailed it.

Especially since they sell your info on the open market. Your “consent” is in the terms and conditions.

Paul George is a savy mofo. He baited Nurkic into that 2nd technical after busting him in the chops. Cops and men around the world should take notice of this being the 1st time in history that busting happened before baiting.

Joe Manchin is fair game any day of the week

There are trends of hard right fascist types gaining political popularity again in Europe (Kurz in Austria, LaPen in France) but I doubt that is what she is referring to.

I appreciate your ability to question the use of absolute statements in an argument.

This was all a set up to push private prisons profits and fill them up with minorities.

It makes him Gandalf the White and everybody wants him on your side.

lima beans (the best bean)“