You will usually find one new weapon or upgrade before the first boss if you explore, and look for chests/buy things.
You will usually find one new weapon or upgrade before the first boss if you explore, and look for chests/buy things.
it’s got couch co-op which is hilariously fun.
I can’t wait for you to find out where the fireplace leads.
I’m a little less sympathetic of movie stars, athletes, and musicians at that level of fame, because they actually get to be super rich. It comes with the territory and they are being well compensated for their trouble. Most YouTubers aren’t, though. You can be pretty famous on YouTube and only be making normal money.…
But isn’t there a certain point that shouldn’t be crossed? For example he falsely accused a 62 year old twitch streamer of being a pedophile because he looked like a guy who was actually a pedophile but was still in jail. The streamer ended up getting harrassed online by people who had seen Keemstars video.
Surprised in an article mostly talking about Keemstar there was no mention of that time he completely got it wrong about a 60+ year old Runescape Twitch player and made him cry on camera when people came in to harass him. Spoilers: it wasn’t him and the guy he thought he was is still in jail.
Morality freaks like you are the REAL epidemic. I hope your kids do drugs.
Yeah, we thought you were a moron. If you kid asks me for a cigarette, i’ll be sure to give them one :D
Vaping helped me quit cigarettes, and now I am slowly coming off vaping so fuck you.
You’re right, it really isn’t. But you’re not “Papa Kotaku” here either. Be a dad to your own child, not to grown adults on a website. That’s it.
Unless breaking reasonable laws or hurting other people, I don’t think anyone with a creative vision should ever have to “yield,” Kotaku included. And picture of a vape pen does not necessitate a fucking age gate, get over it. If vaping is such a moral indignity, than I highly suggest unplugging your router and lining…
You sure told him.
The open internet is not for 13 year olds to 18 year olds. Only controlled websites. Did you know Windows 7, 8, and 10 have built in parental controls? I know you don’t like people who care about content, but if we don’t protect children, who’s going to?
I think powasam is saying you are dysfunctional. One can respect the right of people to make decisions for what they put into their own bodies. Saying someone is toxic because they might smoke or vape or drink is where your argument falls apart and you come across like an insufferable, judgemental ass.
you are my new favorite troll account, thank you
Not sure if this guy is a troll, or would make a great priest with all of the preaching they’re doing.
First of all, I do not still smoke. I do not take fire, and apply it to a material to burn. A liquid is heated to a vapor and I inhale that, without the burning of anything.
It’s okay to have morals. It’s okay to share them. But people who think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong are dangerous, and that’s what you’re doing.