
Thank you for your concern. Can we all move on now?

You should steam then!


You’re still going I see. Move on, friend.

Poor guy is trying so hard :( I almost feel bad for him. (or her)

That damn end sound in the video!!

“Makes it look easy” LOL

He does. He just has a need to feel above people. Its understandable. we all feel inferior in one way or another.

Still can’t hear you up there. Your superiority complex is admirable.

You made an easy and tired crack that’s been made because its easy to hate something blindly because you know people will rally with you. You’re upturning your nose at something irrationally. Don’t do that. It’s unbecoming.

What’s that? It’s hard to hear you from that pedestal you hold yourself on. Once again, get over yourself.

Sounds good to me!

Yeah. Iwas just trying to not be a dick but I wholly agree and should have just been one. It’s ridiculous.

I’m hungover. Disregard my gruffness this morning.

Oh look someone who is on the Mcdonalds hate train and doesn’t want to admit it’s just fine in moderation. But hey, it’s cool to hate it.

To be fair it kinda loaded stupid so i didnt see that bounce which is very much so interesting


I could have sworn 9 was already on pc.

Regarding #2 I should elaborate

*on posts about other games that Kotaku talks about. Not this specific one.

No. This one blog post wont make Nintendo c&d this. They either will or wont without Kotaku talking about it.