
Ive had this happen. nothing scary about it. just. it does :/ didnt think it warranted anything more than a "yeah thatll happen"

i think maybe no ones going to complain and take money away from a charity like that. i coiuld se "no starting kickstarters for charity" being a no no but allowing part of it to go to charity after the initial campaign is funded should be allowed imo at least

there was bargain to me. the entertainment of the thing got my back. i paid a dollar for a hilarious experience. completely would have paid more but im cheap. but it was worth at least 8 bucks of entertainment

the good thing about kickstarter is that projects can delvelop and change over time and backers have up until the very end to back out of paying. without being charged. the change he did is nothing new. hes still making potato salad. he just added and met a ton of stretch goals

chill bumps and hard nips all around

That wasnt hilarity. that was meh. still though. thanks for the try

nice opinion bro

When did ProJared start wearing. A yellow shirt?

i still like the grumps im just getting to where i hardly watch anymore. idk if thats because of jon or not though

Id say photoshop cause you can see that in this pic it seems to be a quick botched job

sure he was paid. im assuming kotaku pays him a little. and if the game company paid him it still doesnt mean he doesnt like it and its not worth our time. i trust and respect jasons opinion on rpgs. he knows his shit

b..but how am i going to charge in blindly with my pitchforck/torch hybrid with sound logic? i want to rally against the big bad corporations so bad so i can be awesome like everyone else! Walmarts the devil and anything you buy from it is obviously made by them so its terribad for you. i heard they put chemicals in

i dont mind the scanlines. its the hq filter that bothers me. it just makes everything seem washed out :/

You should add the second post where he reiterates that hes not done for good and hints at newer games like gtav. at this point i would have stopped modding gta4 anyway. he then goes on to mention how amazing people have been too. followed by some 3.0 deets

mine has to be absolutely perfectly flush. even then i dont multi screen game. its so very useful for desktop space. its like getting a bigger desk irl. more places to put stuff. i could never go back


i despise when people use "get a real job". if he was making money any money thats a real job. and if he wasnt maybe he has a job thats "real" and just wants to do this as a hobby. judge less and mind your own job.

You have officially become the pinnacle of ridiculous Kotaku contributors. I can't wait till they stop letting you bark your nonsense. I used to tolerate you but as of late you have brought nothing but negativity and silly skewed views on how you think life should work to this community and this article and its

But chips and salsa!! im sure you could ask for ketchup!