
oh absolutely! which is why i love (moslty:P) all people! even bob up there. i might not agree fully. i half agree with him but thats irrelevant as at the end of the day id still push him out of the way of a car or jump in front of a bullet for him. people ARE very much so fascinating and amazing! that being said it

Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer Simulator 2015


heterosexual half white male from texas no less here saying why the fuck dont you learn to love jesu.. wait thats a load of shit! i love you man. as i do all (lets be realistic here "most" is more apt) people. if you were here in front of me id give you a big ol hug and apologize for the terrible shit youve had to put

Sports: Keep the people distracted. Keep them ignorant. Keep control over them. #nopeidontlikeem

i think both of us are getting the "just shut up already" delete hammer :P pprobably for the best lol! (also you were spot on with the not getting laid thing.. im married so you kinda hit the nail on the head with that one!! HAHAHAHA!!!) either way once again my apologies for the unnecessary snark. go games!

you know what. lets squash that other post. no reason to stay nasty. we all love games and there certainly is a lot of bullshit in the community of people who all love the same thing. i agree link looks rough in this and i hope he gets a facelift of some sort. my bad on the negativity fellow gamer life makes you

im not stalking anything either. its all on the same post. i see it all here. so. stoop to more name calling when you have no real defense against your silly video not being appreciated because its pointless and a shit rip.

i wish this shitty apartment had a basement. that would be awesome! and a lot cooler. 3rd floor sucks (heat rising and all). you deleted a post after getting called out on it then reposted the same thing saying to ignore it because you posted it before he posted his vid. youre fishing for views on your shitty ripped

you even deleted then re commented? ill admit it could be the comments section being the monstrosity it is but you deleted the other post with people calling your shitty video out and reposted? BAHAHAHA! at least own your silly bullshit. or hide from it. y'know.. cause thats fun

or dont try to get views on your shitty video. that would be cool too. dont be mad that we called your foolishness out bro. learn from it.

link to your horrible quality bandi cam rip version of whats at the end of their video? why would they do that?

i dont have a lot of time to play. but i can watch hcbailly play them!

oh youre one of those people. good for you :)

actually yes. and i still fell that. crazy how i have an opinion. i respect yours. afford me the same courtesy please.

This guy loves to pin the victim title on people that are undeserving.


HA! Maybe someone SHOULD hack his ipad. Likely a bunch of child porn. Or forwards from grandma.

I couldn't agree more. And the people defending it are the people that will need to get their priorities in line if they ever expect to make it anywhere in life (unless they get lucky which happens much to the ire of us hard working folks because they don't deserve it). Honestly though I wouldn't be surprised if they

it looks and plays great for me. only had a small server logging in issue when it released which is to be expected. but even then i played in offline mode. logged in later in the night and it logged right in. just because i didnt have issues doesnt mean others didnt though. just in my experience its been a pleasure on