Guys guys guys...I’m sure you’re all aware that, as a work of fiction, this could easily be retconned in a future installment. However, I suspect these comments are all driven by anti-Shia sentiment!
Guys guys guys...I’m sure you’re all aware that, as a work of fiction, this could easily be retconned in a future installment. However, I suspect these comments are all driven by anti-Shia sentiment!
I could be mistaken, but I think when Indy comes to in 1969, it’s sitting on his desk. Not sure if it’s the complete dial though.
Does anybody else feel like Indy and Marion are going to immediately use the Dial to go back to talk Mutt out of enlisting? As soon as Marion finds out what the device is for, I can’t imagine she would even hesitate.
Maybe a gag where he tries to stick his d!ck in a USB port at various points of the movie, and every time on the first try he has it upside-down.
That doesn’t seem very coincidental to me.
How do they justify calling it “the property’s first-ever open-world title” when that is so patently untrue?
I remember that article! I wonder if Lucas ever read that stuff and said to himself, “Y’know, I just might use that idea!”?
Television tried to copy Indy too. Does anybody remember Tales from the Golden Monkey?
Or mom! That was one of a passel of rumors from (I think) Cinefantastique in that time period.
Another rumor was that the stormtroopers would be revealed to all be clones of Boba Fett. Sic transit the rumor mill: hit or miss.
Is he like a man Dazzler?
A Manzzler?
The only way I can see a sequel working is if they take the fight to the aliens’ home — and if you’re gonna go that way, maybe it would just be better to make a movie out of Max Barry’s Providence.
Where does this end? Brokeback Factory? “I wish I knew how to decouple my sensors from you”
They used him in the marketing to bring the nostalgic crowd into the theater. If they’d kept him a secret, a week later everybody would know of course know, but opening weekend is the crucible for films these days.
Maybe now that the Sauron and Gandalf mysteries are pretty much answered, they can give us some decent character development. I felt that the mysteries of their identities were too much of an affectation and got in the way of telling their stories.
Wasn’t this concept something that Nikola Tesla was working on toward the end of his career?
You’d think refraction would be significant at times, but I guess that’s part of the R&D to come.
It’s also possible that the referee was overly cautious. You don’t want to be the guy on watch when one of the nation’s wealthiest people dies or is seriously injured.
I’m sure you’re absolutely correct, but that’s also what I find weird about it. They *just* made it. Has it really made as much money for them as it was ever going to on D+? Why have the movie out there for people to discover if, after having watched the movie, the viewers are curious about what happens next? Why take…
I just searched D+, and although Willow the recent show is gone, the original movie from the 80's is still available. That seems like an odd choice to me.