bingo bronson

yeah, not here for their names being posted

yikes- his staff has no part in his decision. they are just trying to make a living. posting their names is unnecessary

I can’t imagine how you feel. I’m pregnant in Delaware and have been able to mostly convince myself I’m okay. But I also spend most of my time indoors and am lucky to have that option. I also feel like, as pregnant/child bearing aged women, we still don’t have anywhere near enough information. Is it still true that

You totally should! Also send it to the tips email here at Jezebel, maybe?

Whether his absence is based on absconding, as oft alleged by the Government in their filings, or whether he was taken and secreted against his will, or whether he experienced the miracle of rapture is unknown to counsel.

Exactly this.

You know, not all allies are gonna be perfect and use the perfect words and be 100% humble. I think there are a lot of other 70 year old people out there being excused for their ignorance and I think it’s rad that instead, Dolly is using her platform and relative security to help. She's a hero to a lot of people that

But in this instance, she was asked a specific question: “Because you’ve always been so LGBT-affirming, are you a safe place for them to open up about their sexuality?”


I think if you read the actual interview, how her comments come across is quite different. At least for me it is. For example, in talking about helping people come out, that seems to be a follow up to her discussing gay members of her own family and how that has been viewed in her family. It is slightly ambiguous

Really? Because I think country music in particular needs to hear a lot of this. There are still millions of young people who are at risk of violence, homelessness, and self-harm because of their shitty parents, family, and peers. People using their platforms to support others is just about the best use of celebrity I


Tough to do when an interviewer is only asking about your politics and views on the LGBTQ community.

“Jesus will take care of them.”

If Zika gave men itchy scrotums, they’d be all over it, locating millions to the cause. For now, it just seems a female disease, no biggie (except that one of the complications is Guillain Barre Syndrom which is no fun and doesn’t discriminate between men and women.).

Congress has been on summer break for seven weeks

This is what happens when people think just electing the president is enough. You end up with Ryan and McConnell holding pregnant women currently or in danger of contracting Zika hostage to get to defund Planned Parenthood.

This is really no joke. I work in a state health department not even currently affected by Zika and the amount of staff time that has had to have been pulled away from other incredibly important work in order to prepare for Zika is infuriating. Public health programs (particularly in Republican-controlled states) are

It’s because it’s a woman problem. I mean sure, it affects babies too, but it should be the woman’s responsibility to either 1) not get pregnant, or 2) not go outside ever if she is pregnant and in an area affected by Zika. If a man gets it, it’s NBD.

Of course Obama is only concerned about mosque-itoes, not church-itoes or temple-itoes.