
I disagree with your point on the set set-in-stone rules re: the stage of a legal process. I think blanket rules aren't always the best solution. I liken it to mandatory minimums, which are proven to not really work. I think that each case should be evaluated on its own. Instead of hard line rules, perhaps there

Yes, but he wasn't charged. If you're wrongfully arrested do you expect the company/business to fire you?

For me, it depends on how the consequences are delivered. If it's delivered by the firm hand of the law, that's one thing. If it's delivered by the public wising up and not spending money with racist businesses, that's another.

I hope you never eat out...because you're eating canola oil. It is the most frequently used and most frequently cited cooking oil in kitchens ranging from hole-in-the wall to fine dining.

I think the point people are making is that it is at least confusing. I was also confused by it. It says one thing, then the opposite then returns to the original. I had to reread the story to try and figure out what's going on. I'm guessing, as a writer, you probably don't want people to have to read things more

And by countries where condoms aren't regularly used for cultural reasons, I hope you mean the US. Non-condom use for cultural reasons isn't just a problem in developing countries. It's a problem in the US too.

Yuengling gives me gas.

Yes. The crowdfunding sites are full of established businesses asking customers to fund a capital expenditure that could either be self-funded or privately shops asking for new roasters and such. Customers frequently get little in return for often paying double the price of the product.

Detroit outscored their opponent in two series and lost. Both of those teams would garner more respect had they been able to close the deal vs. LAL and SAS in 1988 and 2005 respectively.

This story covered every angle except the actual people fighting. If the fighters were so concerned about these issues, then why do they continue to enter competitions in NY?

Buuuurrrrrrnnnnn! showed him!

They've been wearing this stuff for a couple weeks now. As much as you want it to be about your beloved Boston, it isn't.

Agree. This is sensationalist garbage at its finest.

I wholeheartedly agree. These aren't "cakes." Cakes are edible. They might as well have made this out of plastic. It's a sugar sculpture. I made a castle out of sugar cubes and food coloring in 6th grade. I didn't call it a cake. This shouldn't be called a cake either.

Pitchers aren't just bad hitters, but they make no attempt to become good (or even decent) hitters. That's where your silly analogy about centers fails. Centers actually practice free throws in an attempt to improve. The same cannot be said for pitchers and hitting.

Ok, then the next time you get a your grande mocha java latte w/whip from Starbucks and you remind them you asked for whip and they reply "it's on there dumb ass" remind yourself you're just a user of their coffee, not a customer.

dumb ass.

That's not the point. Don't ask your audience to read the full report. If there are important things in the full report that would improve the article, then do your job and report on them rather than criticize your audience.

I'm not disagreeing with Tom. I'm responding to him calling the Jim Pagels a "dumb ass" for not reading the full report. If the information is important, then Tom should include the information in the article. It's poor writing and poor form to call your audience a dumb ass for not reading the report. It's Tom's

Sorry Tom, but some of us have jobs and can't always afford the time to read a full report. Instead, we depend on the article (like the one you wrote) to provide us with information so that we can make informed comments rather than spouting off like a dumb ass.