Oddly Gamera instead of Gojira
Can't help but wonder if the show's producers originally intended to show Don & Lane watching Gojira (aka Godzilla) at the movie theater, and not Gamera.
Oddly Gamera instead of Gojira
Can't help but wonder if the show's producers originally intended to show Don & Lane watching Gojira (aka Godzilla) at the movie theater, and not Gamera.
Misuse of Liz
Lola Glaudini's character was a great foil from the start; from her initial reaction on first encountering Dan ("Uh." - best line of the episode, btw.) to the pre-sex dirty talk in the trailer. (Her: "This place reeks." Dan: "…of Man.")
But they sort-of did "win" despite themselves, didn't they?All Dan & Jack's bumbling around, relying on "hunches," resulted in cemetery shootout. Also,, maybe the dead bodies will go unconnected to the bank robbery, and maybe the two will never be credited by everyone else for foiling the real heist, but Dan & Jack…
Well, first off, it's "Kiersten."
The show screamed "Divine Intervention!" when The Light shines off the Impala and Sam has the flashback about the toy soldier and the lego blocks (then re-exerts control).
Plus, Cas mentions to Dean that God did more than he knows.
Alistair to Walter:
"You're asking me to just leave her there?"