
It’s merciful that they died instantly, but I wonder how long they were in there and thought/knew they were doomed? That would be horrible.

I’ve dealt with enough people that think that money and brilliance can overcome physics. And it never ends well.

This is what happens when you have someone with too much money and not enough sense in charge of things that ignores the rules.”

Spooky. There’s an initial sound of the implosion and then a couple steady beats from echos from the implosion. These beats almost sound like heartbeats.

The Trans Am fender vents is the turd on top of this pile of shit. ND.

Oooh nice price

It totally makes sense to gas engine swap a roadster, you can just buy a Lotus Elise which it’s based on as a parts car and then.... Just stop there and drive the Lotus.

If I was gonna spend $40,000 on a salvage title car, I would buy a Viper and die historic on the Fury Road.

According to Polk data, there are just 902 Roadsters registered. 312 2008's, 394 2010's and just 196 2011's. Parts are gonna be a nightmare (probably why this one is for sale) unless you already have one for parts...  Thats all this is - a massively overpriced parts car.

I’m assuming these are like the 2nd gen Solaras where the dash was so prone to cracking that on that model Toyota had to offer a 10 year warranty for the dash.

I’d worry more about its Texas origins - y’all correct me if wrong, but that state does not require reporting flood damage.

How is that considered bad to you? These had a recall for the dash (which is now closed), so having that done is a good thing. Also the windshield isn’t anything odd at all, windshields chip over time and any car with 170k will certainly not have the original windshield.

The two replacements together really dont concern me. I’ve replaced dashboards and having the windscreen out during the dash work makes the overall job a fair bit easier.

These are notorious for having cracked dash’s.

I think the Tesla would have exploded...

The Teslas steer directly into the nearest light pole, to showcase their safety.

Meat Bag Bowling Pins is my new band name. Thanks.

All of them guilty: Driving too fast for conditions. 

The people getting out of their cars and walking in between the piled up wrecks are giving me anxiety. What the fuck are you doing? You are volunteering as a meat bag bowling pin at that point.

No, fuck this shit. I bet there’s Hyundai museum somewhere that has one sitting. One is enough to tell a cautionary tale.