
If you feel like games are cheaper and better a year later, maybe stop buying them the day they come out?

Why, dude? You’re acting like you just came from spending all day on Reddit defending Anthem or something.

Probably easier to just not type anything that way you could of saved everyone from reading this comment

Wow, you suck.

When I was a kid/teen/poor college student, disposable income was a precious resource and games were expensive. If I spent $40 or $50 on a game, I played it to its end, multiple times, regardless of its issues (but I was VERY choosy about which games I spent money on). Now that I’m in my 40s, I have plenty of

I’m happy to hear I helped! Thanks for reading!! 

And if he gets the nod, it will be.

If he doesn’t, and you take your toys and go home, you’ll bear just as much responsibility as will those who will vote for Trump.

They’re not going to sit it out.  We cannot either.

that cell phone tower evidence is hard to dispute

It’s been a dog’s age since I listened to the first season of Serial. I remember coming away from it with two distinct impressions:

He can’t help it; he’s just hungry like the wolf.

Cecilia, you are undoubtedly the best working games journalist out there.  

Please take your self checkout out of your cold dead hands and place it in the bag. Please take your self checkout out of your cold dead hands and place it in the bag. Please take your self checkout out of your cold dead hands and place it in the bag...

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.

The problem is that you can’t spell Bioware without e and a. 

Hey at least you found a way to insult both the game and the people that enjoy these types of games.

Kept getting downvoted for saying that we are actually beta testing the game for them.

Ugh I’m sick of this nightmare where it’s Party of People Who are OK vs. Party of Total Pieces of Shit Who Literally Are Fine With Mass Death of Entire Swaths of People. I personally would love it if the two parties were Democrats vs. Democratic Socialists since they are focused on the climate and inequality.

Has this guy never been stung by a jellyfish?

In retrospect (aka not in retrospect, it was pretty obvious what was happening at the time too!), the Obama admin probably shouldn’t have supported the coup that enabled all this in the first place.

That’s about 22 months of “research” on the internet, followed by 2 weeks of coding and another 5 weeks writing that asinine mission statement on the developer’s web site. The final week was just the just the developer jumping up and down, screeching “SJWs! SJWs! I’ll show them! Aargh!” 16 hours a day for seven days.