
$10 says she didn't even know who Tracy Chapman was before this.

FYI: “Sorbo” is an ancient Basque word “offal eater”, or “dung eater” later centuries in the Spanish language it came to mean sip or swallow, in deference to “eating your shit”...

Today is yesterday's tomorrow, but today just sucks.

Agreed on all counts. One of the consistently best shows on TV.

This is terrible news; my deepest condolences to his loved ones. I can’t thank him enough for his incredibly positive impact on our family’s life, as Bob’s Burgers is easily the most quoted media in our house, and has provided more laughter than anything else, really.

 I've already got one!

Well, I figured $100 was a good buffer because, as a Canadian, I get to pay more for things for the privilege of being Canadian, and xbox because it's the only platform/console you can gift on...well, I suppose Steam would have worked, too...anyway, moot point!

Aww, I thought it’d be fun...but, ok:

I fail to see the problem with his remarks...

Not sure who likes this girl; my daughter is 10 years old, and can't stand her, and none of her friends can stand her either. Most kid stuff I understand-and in a few cases, enjoy-but this shit just baffles me.

Yeah, my issue with it, too. From what I can glean, it seems to paint small town Ontario in a positive light that it has no right to do.

I grew up about 25 min south of Listowel, which is where I believe the show is based on...? That is one of the reasons I don't think I'll ever watch an episode of this show...too many bad memories of fucking racist, knuckle-dragging yahoos... I'm sure the show doesn't depict that, and I'm sure the show is probably

What a quitter. 

Agreed. I’m pretty forgiving in my acceptance, but there’s no way I’m seeing her as anything but an ungodly privileged...”woman”, with countless stories of awful, awful behaviour that also unleashed the monstrously detestable gorgon that is Kim Kardashian.

I tried First redefines boring.

Surprised at a couple of omissions on this "His House", or "Black Bear" or even "Borat"...Granted, I haven't seen most of the movies on this list, but what from what I have seen, I'm at about 50% agreement with

Forgoing my usual razor-sharp wit and insightful commentary, all I can say is I hope this idea dies before it’s unleashed upon the world. 

I would have thought "Host" was the 1st movie inspired by the pandemic...? Am I wrong? For what it's worth, Host was way better than I thought it would be

I read it out of curiosity, but my interest in this and the concerns of these people has disappeared almost entirely. 

I also have it on good authority that he sometimes spells his surname "Grindr".