
Apology accepted.

Outright bribery coupled with my wife and I’s (unwieldy, but I'm using it) equal participation of said task at that.

Yeah, the line “make a task into a game and kids will do whatever is expected of them” is a dead give away. 

Bully for you!

The Stranger Thing Beside Me

I had heard that, too.

A quick google search shows that-per capita-the U.S. has called over 67% of the worlds serial killers (67.45 or something)...sooooo...yeah.

Of all the serial killers you guys (U.S. & A) have-and you have/had a depressing amount-I'm surprised there hasn't been any attempt to bring the story of H.H. Holmes to the screen..

Agree to disagree, I guess

Surprised not to see “I Feel Pretty” and “Robin Hood” mentioned.

So, to expand upon the (assumed) intent of this article, should we be up in arms if The Academy of Motion Pictures doesn’t include it’s countless rapists and mysogonists in it’s “year that was” retrospectives?

Rooster fired for forcing his cock on 5 ladies, eh?

Have Trixie and Katya been asked?

Nice to see Beakman get some work

So, the guy is named Lindsey, and the girl is named Stevie?

That’s a pretty generous use of the word “quit”.

I say they do a joint show with the Adult Entertainment Industry Awards (the OttoErots, I believe).

Good thing you changed it, cuz that could have really pigeon-holed you. 

Is that your given name? If so, kudos to your parents for the forethought.

This guy’s success has always baffled me, and I don’t baffle easily; in fact, Jesus Bonehead once described me as “unbaffleable”.